Started by Mic10110, August 29, 2011, 11:13:14 PM

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Apparentley things are still to be finalised, with some big questions still to be asked and answered!
If you ask the same question to senior officers and staff you get different answers, but dont worry SACAD is the answer.....Im not sure what the question is though!
Just Another Filtered Fireman


Quote from: Alex on October 04, 2011, 04:13:10 PM
So.. go live is just under three weeks away.

Have any groups or brigades received official direction from the CFS about new requirements for resource tracking? SACAD will require appliances statewide to book ack, mobile, arrived and clear of call. Wondering if this info has been disseminated, and if not when it will?

Perhaps something brigades should have been getting into the swing of for the last few months.

you're talking about planning and disseminating of information? in the CFS? you're such a joker Alex!


05-10-11 11:23:47   SA70 PR: 4 : @RI - (SAAS) 16 TORRENS RD RIVERTON D0275 Disp: 11:23 HEALTH CAR - SAAS Unit Salisbury

What is RI - (SAAS)?
Check out the Australian Healthcare Forums:


Quote from: disOrderly on October 05, 2011, 10:03:08 AM
05-10-11 11:23:47   SA70 PR: 4 : @RI - (SAAS) 16 TORRENS RD RIVERTON D0275 Disp: 11:23 HEALTH CAR - SAAS Unit Salisbury

What is RI - (SAAS)?
It would be Riverton Ambo station. Shared with the CFS at the above address.


yes it is riverton area station (my friend works there)


MFS: *CFSRES INC0005 07/10/11 11:30 RESPOND GRASS FIRE, MAIN RD MCLAREN VALE, MAP:ADL 207 A11,TG TALK2, == Alarm level updated to 2 == Alarm level updated to 3, AIRDESK ALDB24P BLEW24 CNOTIFY R1 KYEG42 MCLF34 MCLV24P MCLV34(Part 1 of 2) - MFS SACAD testing

CNOTIFY R1 KYEG42 MCLF34 MCLV24P MCLV34 RNGE24 RNGE34 SEA469 SEAF24 SEAF24P SELL34 WLLG28 WLLG34, , *****SACAD TEST ONLY*****(Part 2 of 2) - MFS SACAD testing

Its Getting Closer Ladies and Gentlemen  :-D


As you will notice is all appliance based now so those stick in the muds that reckon we won't talk to Adelaide Fire will find life very quite, at least responses will follow SOPs for the first time EVER (hopefully)!


Quote from: Alex on October 04, 2011, 04:13:10 PM
So.. go live is just under three weeks away.

Have any groups or brigades received official direction from the CFS about new requirements for resource tracking? SACAD will require appliances statewide to book ack, mobile, arrived and clear of call. Wondering if this info has been disseminated, and if not when it will?

Perhaps something brigades should have been getting into the swing of for the last few months.


This procedure was explained last night at Gum groups pre-fire season operational briefing. Most officers in the group were present and are now aware...
Hmmm, a large unused document that is extremely important, but knowone knows what is in it or what it does.

Must be related to some sort of government department... - Footy

Judge me on the service....not my payslip - misterteddy


Quote from: JJD on October 12, 2011, 08:38:48 AM

This procedure was explained last night at Gum groups pre-fire season operational briefing. Most officers in the group were present and are now aware...

Who explained this procedure?  Was it an official thing from region, or just the group being proactive about it?

Alan (Big Al)

apparently the procedures have been sent to groups, be interesting to see how long it takes to filter down to brigades if at all in some instances, it will mean big changes to procedure for some groups!

Has anyone Hopefully any groups with some very irregular responses for some jobs are able to fix it before it comes online
Lt. Goolwa CFS


I would be interested to know what was explained, as it had better be spot on or the system won't work. I can see brigades still trying to do their own thing as "thats how we have always done it" and nothing will get done about it.


Quote from: CFS_Firey on October 12, 2011, 08:46:07 AM
Quote from: JJD on October 12, 2011, 08:38:48 AM

This procedure was explained last night at Gum groups pre-fire season operational briefing. Most officers in the group were present and are now aware...

Who explained this procedure?  Was it an official thing from region, or just the group being proactive about it?

It was presented by one of our ROPOs, so yes it was official.

Quote from: pumprescue on October 12, 2011, 01:40:00 PM
I would be interested to know what was explained, as it had better be spot on or the system won't work. I can see brigades still trying to do their own thing as "thats how we have always done it" and nothing will get done about it.

There is an official CFS presentation which was presented by the ROPO.
I agree with your statement that there are going to be issues, because there are people out there that have the "this is how we have always done it..." mentality.
Hmmm, a large unused document that is extremely important, but knowone knows what is in it or what it does.

Must be related to some sort of government department... - Footy

Judge me on the service....not my payslip - misterteddy


SES SHQ have issued a summary document that should be distributed to all volunteers explaining the major changes by SACAD. It will be interesting to see the four (4) status updates being communicated for each Incident to Adelaide Fire.
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


Ok so I have found out its rather different to what we do now, and as Bajdas described things have changed also for SES, mainly with the rescue appliances, they must acknowledge the page, book mobile/K1, arrived/K2, available/K3 or K4 and back in station/K5.

If this doesn't happen they could initially get defaulted by not booking mobile and also if they don't book available and they are, then they don't get another job and it will go to the next rescue.

As for the CFS side of things, same as above but for ALL appliances.


I am wondering why after learning how CAD will run radio wise why we will need to bother opening the station at all, seems a waste of time and resources. They should have just done what CFA did and take all station radios out except for group bases.


Quote from: pumprescue on October 14, 2011, 09:43:58 AM
I am wondering why after learning how CAD will run radio wise why we will need to bother opening the station at all, seems a waste of time and resources. They should have just done what CFA did and take all station radios out except for group bases.

OK, so if you take station radios out...for the larger incidents who will do logistics, incident control, planning, crew welfare, paper-war, sitreps to Group Region State, AIIMS, etc, etc....I doubt if you informed Adelaide Fire of a Sitrep they would inform Group immediately. They will record info that might flow to CRIMMSON for review later...but will that help you on the incident ground ?

Personal opinion, volunteers are going to need to review processes so they know when to open the Base for incident control. Then the Base can let Adelaide Fire know of sitreps and leave you to control the incident.

Alarms and small single incident responses, yes let Adelaide Fire do the recording.

Larger incidents you might need help in Incident management. But they wont have local knowledge that is needed in larger incident management.

Not sure if that Incident Management should come from a group base or each brigade..that will be up to the volunteers.

It will be interesting during the first storm or multi-incident event occurs how this will work when services will still be operating two different systems.

*** my personal opinion only ***
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


Anything 2nd alarm and above the group base opens, making the group base role more vital than ever !


Anyone know where to find info on SACAD is there a website at all?


I wonder who will be the first to forget to go K5?

...... and they won't be the last!  :-D


Quote from: PALE ALE on October 14, 2011, 06:49:36 PM
Anyone know where to find info on SACAD is there a website at all?

If you find something, let us know!



anyone news on this.  Assume it for the whole of cfs not just mawson group.


Just Another Filtered Fireman


Thank god, from what I have seen keeping it in the group is alive and well!!


Quote from: pumprescue on October 18, 2011, 12:38:38 PM
Thank god, from what I have seen keeping it in the group is alive and well!!

sometimes its better not to advertise your shortcomings to the wider


Quote from: vsteve01 on October 18, 2011, 09:47:33 AM

No suprise really, and as pumprescue said, closest most appropriate has been thrown out the window purely by the way they have decided to run the system. Although i doubt thats why it is delayed.