I think its great that we finally have a system that makes everyone accountable and follow SOP's like an ACTUAL fire brigade. I can't understand why some groups want to do all the talking for the trucks, making a lot of work for themselves.
I think the 6 and 6 default time is to long for some areas and not long enough for others. I don't agree that AF should have to ring alerts at both default times either, if you can't advise them in that time then to bad. Really isn't hard, every captain has a radio, and so does every truck, and 99.9% of people have mobile phones.
What I can see happening now that its appliance based not station based is a lot more defaulting to make up the response, and in a few years that stats will start to show up those not getting the second or third trucks out the door and we might start finding trucks not being replaced or equipment moved around, eg so and so tanker not getting out the door so its moved, or so and so 24 is due to be replaced but they can never get it out the door.
This might be a good thing or a bad thing, but it will stop the stupid scenario's of brigades that can never get the second truck out getting it replaced with a brand new one when others who get all their trucks out get stuck with old snot boxes.
Those brigades that don't manage crews and don't manage their recruiting etc might be in strife.