Statistic collection when CAD starts -- what will it mean for the defaulters

Started by pumprescue, August 19, 2011, 09:45:48 AM

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With CAD being based on appliances not stations it will be interesting to see what stats are collected in relation to appliances getting out the door, number of defaults, number of specialist appliances not responding etc.

I put it in this section because it involves all services.

I wonder if finally we will get a true picture of what is happening out there.

For example - brigade A has 2 trucks with BA, both appliances are turned out, the second appliance is always being booked unavailable and has to default to the next brigade. What happens to Brigade A, if that $280,000 second appliance is never turning out, why do they need it.

Brigade B is always having to cover for other brigades, often ending up far from their area, but have spare crew to do it, should the stats show this, then perhaps movement of appliances should take place ?

Another example, SES unit is the RESCUE, but struggles to get out, or can only bring 1 person with the truck, CFS have to cover the rescue, the stats show this happens time after time, do you move the RESCUE to the CFS ?

Can people see what I am getting at? Could this impact appliance allocations, training allocations etc. If brigade A can't get anyone to do BA, and has no one interested perhaps the second appliance is downgraded to rural and those air sets moved. Clearly it won't happen overnight, but statistics can't be denied, and CAD will capture this a lot better than now.

Any thoughts on this.

Alan (Big Al)

the question is will CFS even care about or do anything with these stats?? might mean they have to do some real fleet, equipment and training managment.
Lt. Goolwa CFS


But what resource would they use to look at it and analyse it to such a level that meaningful results could be given out.  Sounds easy but could be troublesome without a clear set of rules and guidelines on how to interpret the data etc.

And even if they find or employ such a person, it would then be subject to the region, group and brigade disputing and arguing about every last detail....

I would say that by the time that it got all the way to the firefighter and back up the chain, very little if any change would actually occur!
Swanport Group DGO - Region 3
Jervois CFS Brigade - "Home of the Original Hooker!"



They are already trying to take away air sets, im sure appliances are the next step.


Could affect the 'business as usual' scenario, but you still need the extra coverage to provide the surge capacity.

I personally hope that some equipment and resources will always be extra for the large incidents.

It will be interesting for the stats to be applied by SAAS and MFS management to justify decisions in enterprise agreement discussions and to the government.

Could it reinforce changes to SFEC ?

The main interest is that the community risk is covered by trained & equipped resources...I am too old to worry about turf wars between emergency services sectors.

If the stats display an community requires a resource regularly (eg RCR) and it is 50km away, then I hope a change occurs. Even if it involves moving the equipment from one Unit/Brigade/Station to another location closer to the Community needing the resource
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


Quote from: pumprescue on August 19, 2011, 03:03:35 PM
They need someone with balls....prove to me you need it....

or better's what a fire services does.... why don't you need it or why cant you man it?


Well first step is teaching people we are a fire service....then help them recruit


I think using the stats could be a very good way to tweak the resources around the edge an support major changes. Of course the risk that the brigade covers has to always be considered.

The cynical side of me assumes that the person reading the stats will not really understand them  and make dumb decisions.