Who is looking after our media section

Started by pumprescue, July 27, 2011, 08:37:18 PM

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I am not sure if anyone else has noticed or care, but anytime the CFS attends and urban job it rarely if ever rates a mention. Who looks after our media interests?

For example, every fire MFS have had in the last week has been on the news and in the tiser and the AdelaideNow website.

Yesterday, house fire at Stirling, massive damage bill.....not a peep.

No wonder no one takes us seriously !


Well it was moved to SAFECOM but that isn't perfect of course. I do know it is an issue of concern in higher up places at the moment


Believe it may have been moved back from SAFECOM......

There are three types of people in the world.  Those that watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who wonder what happened.


The answer to your question is no one!.............maybe they are meant to but, clearly they do not!
Just Another Filtered Fireman


I noticed the strange silence from the media section on that stirling housefire. Maybe groups should start doing their own? quick one para write up and post it online somewhere (maybe here since the media read this site).


Someone must be listening or reading, the Mclaren Vale fire got some attention.


Quote from: Darius on July 28, 2011, 08:58:27 AM
I noticed the strange silence from the media section on that stirling housefire. Maybe groups should start doing their own? quick one para write up and post it online somewhere (maybe here since the media read this site).
You would think this fire may have got a mention with a red truck attending?
Treat everyone as if they are an idiot, until they prove you otherwise.


Moved back from SAFECOM. Each agency has their own media people now (as it was before), not a media mob trying to cover all services. But....haven't seen or heard from them in a while.


According to the CFS website the last incident related media release that went out was on the 12/5/11 for the Port Elliot house fire.

I know that media alerts are sent out via email containing a sound file read by the one of the MLO's, however there is no archive of these any where on the website that I can find, so if the public or media go looking for information on any recent incidents they will not find it on there.

Also, those media alert emails would be so much more useful if they could put the text of the message into the email as well. I know this has been suggested to the previous SAFECOM staff but it still hasn't changed. I know that most of the time the people at my work can't be bothered listening to the message and will delete it, however if it at least had the text of the message in it I think it would get a lot more attention.


There was a recent two page spread in the 'Tiser (Wednesday I think) promoting the life and role of a "Firefighter". All about the training and dedication to communtiy etc etc etc. In one corner of the article was a small mention of CFS and how they are used in country areas to help fight bushfires - in towns and communities that "Couldn't afford to have a full time fire service"

Absolutely appalled and discussed by the article and those that put it together should hide their heads in shame.

This has been a problem for years in the media. For some reason they continue to dispell the CFS as a genuine Emergency Service.  I thought the new Chief was intended on turning this around.  That article hasn't helped the cause one little bit.


Sooooo, what does the media section actually do then ?

SA Firey

Quote from: Darius on July 28, 2011, 08:58:27 AM
I noticed the strange silence from the media section on that stirling housefire. Maybe groups should start doing their own? quick one para write up and post it online somewhere (maybe here since the media read this site).

Pictures and editorial of the the Stirling job were submitted to The Advertiser, but the Pt Pirie house fire with the pending death of the 3 year old boy took priority.

We ran the story on the tv news bulletin, and RC Chris Martin did a press conference with us,(7) and 10.

I to was surprised that a $1.5 million fire didn't get a mention.

The only person from Media Section I see at jobs in MFS area is Nicole Ely, and the last time before that was Melissa at Paddys Market fire, so not a very big presence from them :-o

Well done to the crews on that job, lot of gear saved due to good salvage work during firefighting operations.
Images are copyright


Do we really need media attention on jobs that do not paint the service in a terribly positive light?

Sure it may highlight the deficiencies in training, but to the average person it simply reinforces the "Dad's Army" Bushfire brigade image.
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


I've been to many Red Truck incidents that haven't been on the news, even when there has been a camera there with a reporter that I know has filmed/interviewed.


Quote from: pumprescue on July 28, 2011, 08:35:13 PM
Sooooo, what does the media section actually do then ?

Volunteer Magazine maybe? (Another shining light of CFS quality)