Spot the Chief

Started by misterteddy, July 20, 2011, 08:02:38 AM

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following on from my other's a new game....Spot the Chief (with apologies to the Wheres Wally creators)

If you have had the Chief visit you at a Brigade level, then let us know. If you feel the need to include Regional events, then so be it, but I dont reckon they count for much personally.

So Chief.....its up to you. Will we see you at the sharp end sometime? I reckon theres 10 or 12 Brigades that do probably upwards of 50% of the CFS's jobs....surely a visit to them each over 3 months isnt too much to ask?

Maybe the CFSVA might like to take the same advice.... (but please dont arrange a combined visit).


I have seen a picture of him :lol:


I know for a fact he has been to a Mawson Group Meeting and visited Salisbury CFS...any others ?


Believe he is attending a function in East Torrens group soon.
Just Another Filtered Fireman


Mmm heard he was attending a few differant brigade AGMs.


I invited him to attend our brigade and he spoke to us all for a few hours on where he came from and his intentions for the service.

He did make the point a number of times that he believes the service has focussed too much on rural stuff recently, and he is going to now focus more on rescue and urban firefighting.

Send him an invite Mr T, you might be surprised.


Quote from: mattb on July 20, 2011, 06:45:26 PM
Send him an invite Mr T, you might be surprised.

already have Matt.....and I'm not  :|


No worries mate, he did genuinely seem keen to get out to brigades and meet people. He also bought us news of our new appliance so we were all pretty happy after that anyway.

Alan (Big Al)

hmmmm maybe we should invite him down to look at our very tired and overloaded 24P, might manage to get on the list to have it replaced but i doubt it
Lt. Goolwa CFS


He seemed fairly uninspired by our nineteen year old 24 Al. I explained that it was it our 2nd out the door for an urban fire in our area and he said something like "but it's only got a 300GPM pump on it, you need at least a 500GPM for any urban stuff" so at least he understands the shortfalls of our equipment.

Alan (Big Al)

our 24P is falling to bits and is starting to look like a lego buildup with the extra stowage space we have needed to carry a decent rcr kit on it,,, really needs a good refurb but apparently group has to fit the first 10k of the bill or region wont do it!
Lt. Goolwa CFS


Is there no way you can get it deemed unsafe Al, considering some are already in line for their second 34P and others who do less calls than I have fingers with no specialist role are getting brand new 34P's.....

Alan (Big Al)

I would be pretty disappointed with CFS fleet managment if they are already replacing 34P's and heres our 24P flogged to high hell and we were told not a hope of it getting replaced!! i guess they think its better money spent having a 34P rolling to 10 jobs a year rather than 100 plus  :|
Lt. Goolwa CFS


Al.....standby to be disappointed


Ona side note \, your former chief now CFA Chief Officer is and has been seen all over the state at stations, meetings, at jobs and a weekly blog spots on CFA webpage and ABC radio.

Certainly knows how to be seen by the troops.


Same with the new SA SES Chief Officer.

I believe he had visited majority of the Units around the state, at major events & is approachable at the events.

Volunteers getting heaps of information now.
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


You guys do realize what is happening, the new chief is taking it all in and is trying to work out what the heck he has taken on and what he is going to do.....I don't envy him!!! To visit 1 group a week will still take a year let alone brigades, just because he hasn't seen you doesn't mean he isn't getting around!


Quote from: pumprescue on July 24, 2011, 04:43:21 PM
You guys do realize what is happening, the new chief is taking it all in and is trying to work out what the heck he has taken on and what he is going to do.....I don't envy him!!! To visit 1 group a week will still take a year let alone brigades, just because he hasn't seen you doesn't mean he isn't getting around!

sorry Pump...that just doesnt cut it....he started the job in Feb...its now nearly August... as i said in my earlier post theres a group of 10 or 12 Brigades that do the majority of CFS jobs( ie more than 50%) nice to make them a part of the priority to drop in and say thanks. The reason for the post is to highlight just where he has far we know he has been to Morphett Vale, Salisbury (wonder if F/F Rann was there?), Mawson Group and potentially East Torrens Group..... great, is that it?

Smiffy....doesnt surprise of Euan's great strengths is his committment to his people and to get out there with them..... thats why he got the respect from the troops that he did


He also went to Eden Hills...... your neck of the woods Mr Teddy?

There are three types of people in the world.  Those that watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who wonder what happened.


give the guy a break Mr T the organisation is bigger than you or your Brigade. You cant single out brigades because you happen to do a high number of jobs! Ev ery single Brigade, every single member across the state is as important as the next! Im sure hell get there eventually!


Euan was a great guy but got reemed and was to easily swayed by pushy volunteers and TOTALLY neglected the urban side of CFS, do you want the new Chief to just give a knee jerk opinion of what he has inherited or actually spend some time developing a plan?


I saw him at Mundulla.  :-D  His managerial style is different to Euan and although he does talk to vollies he isn't the same As our former CO and can't be expected to operate in the same way.


no probs you're all deleriously happy with the service provided....I shan't ask the questions anymore.

I wonder how he has determined the depth of Urban neglect if he hasn't visited the busy urban Brigades?....but I'm sure he is getting good advice from the paid staff and Group Officers.


I met him... and he even spoke to me!

(as he rushed past)
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


Who said he hasn't visited any of the urban brigades ?

Why are we cracking it so soon, I don't get it. Haven't we been whinging for the last upteen years about everything going down the dunny, and you want it all fixed in 3 months !