Recruitment poster

Started by happyghost, June 28, 2011, 02:22:47 AM

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Hey all here we are again lol

I am Currently trying to put toghter a recruitment poster to try to entice new member to come and join.

however i am a bit stuck.........

if there are any ideas would you please let me know as it should go up asap

Cheers  :-D


I put a poster together, with photos of members doing their thing - including a fire, hazmat, BA, Comms, catering and a minor crash (don't want to scare people!).

The photos depicted both males & females, and a range of ages.

There was a space in the middle of the poser with the caption "Does your face fit here?"

There was then info at the bottom of the poster about joining, contact info, and a website address for extra info

Happyghost, see your inbox for a PM

There are three types of people in the world.  Those that watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who wonder what happened.