GRN Pagers are a failure

Started by BundyBear, June 20, 2011, 06:56:15 AM

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It's come to my attention and that of my brigade and Group that the GRN pager system needs to be improved dramatically!

Members of my brigade will miss pager messages from time to time. Are their other brigades out there experiencing the same issue?


To say the system is a failure, is a very broad statement.

I know people in our area miss paging messages every now and then, but generally these have been accounted for. We have seen issues ranging from a link failure, loacation/environment issues through to a member that is garunteed to generate corrupt pager messages.....

Coverage is an issue in some areas, and there are modifications underway to improve this (see the latest infralog)....

So, some questions:

  • Define 'time to time'
  • Describe your geographic location eg. terrain



Have the missed/garbled messages been logged including location, time etc?
Evidence is required so the problem can be fixed.  I have members complaining to me that the pager is no good when in fact it is an environmental issue, such as the pager is close to another electronic source creating a garbled message.
As Mike said, CFS are looking into making improvements.


I also find that the Apollo pagers are much better than the Samsung's.

We had a member who would be guaranteed at least a couple of garbled messages a week. I gave him an Apollo to compare against the Samsung and he never had a problem with the new one.

We also make sure every garbled message is logged with the help desk. If you don't log it they don't know there is a problem, and this could mean a delay in action being taken to fix a dodgy tower or transmitter.


Apollo has been fantastic for me as well, never a missed message and very long battery life.

Downside is its huge and not many alert functions that I found much better on the Samsung...but swings and rounabouts I guess.


There are still geographical locations, where coverage is the issue, not the pagers.... much banging of heads over a long period of time has failed to fix it. 

Long live brigade sirens!!!


There are three types of people in the world.  Those that watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who wonder what happened.


my apollo pager is fine, with the exception that the alert tone is very quiet, be nice if it was as loud as the Info tone...not sure how that happened

Whoever worked out the button sequences needs


In my group it's a mixture of corrupt or not receiving messages. All our fire fighters are intelligent enough or have been informed to keep their pagers away from other equipment that may cause issues. We have member live in the same house and one get the message and the other does not.

What is the contact for the help desk to log issues?


Should be written on the back of the pager...

Then there are those members that never carry their pager...still shake my head at that