Old fire trucks-private ownership

Started by Fire911, April 11, 2011, 12:06:30 PM

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Hi one and all.

what do people think of private companies in and around adelaide owning private fire trucks?? I've seen a couple different ones, all seem to be either a scania or international brand.

Ive seen a couple doing fire hydrant booster work and one doing standby for some sort of construction work.

I heard one of them had been seen doing laps around hindley street a couple months ago  :? , has the license plate fire i think from the quick glance i grabbed :|


No different to private ambulance services.

It will happen unless the government legislates it out of existence.

And like most things that happen in this state - there will be a lengthy delay in having any kegislation to regulate it......and then when it does it will be rushed through and c0cked up anyway


It all depends on the manner in which it is used. Nothing wrong with them being used for booster testing, water carting etc. Even people using them for special events would be fine.

As long as they are very obviously non-operational appliances, it should be fine.
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


Apart from the idiots that cruise up and down Hindley/Rundle, and drive there truck irresponsibly/dangerously, whats the issue?

They are not emergency vehicles, they are used purely for booster and fire system testing.


Cheers for replies. Found out yesterday and the two that were in adelaide have now been sold off to companies in Queensland for stripping down for parts and Victoria victoria for some private collection of fire trucks.

What you mean dangerously driving??

Did the ones you saw look to be non-operational??

Although i did manage to see inside the big one, one night on hindley street, was kitted out with a massive entertainment system  :mrgreen: type they should definately fit into CFS/MFS trucks.


Quote from: Fire911 on April 13, 2011, 06:39:27 AM

What you mean dangerously driving??

I dont know who owns it, i presume its a private 'party type truck'.
Have seen it on Saturday nights in the city, accelerating/braking rapidly in crowded hindley street, speeding, and having people hanging off the back of it.

Anyway, thats completely off topic.