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Started by ambogirl, January 17, 2011, 11:52:41 AM

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I like to think that thats because of the incredibly high standard of clinical care we provide......but it could also be because of the photos of you with the goat that I have...who knows  :lol:


Lol....nah that's already out.....annoyed too many people when I was out bush for that to stay hidden!

Maybe I'm too balanced and fair in the targets of my criticism?

Time to put a stop to that i think......


I am not quite sure but it seems BoredMatrix is the FIRST one to CARE that one particular company is not targeted on here. To the outsider it would seem some paramedics expert comments on the forum are slightly tainted by commercial interests?

But kudos to those who discredit all rival volunteer and commercial operators in the interest of covert promotion of their own commercial interests...