PTS/ESS intake 2011

Started by No Care 1, March 29, 2011, 03:49:42 PM

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No Care 1

Rumour has it that SAAS Will be advertising for PTS/ESS ambulance officers within the next month. If interested watch out in the Saturday Advertiser employment pages. I know a few of you on here interested. Good luck to those who apply  :-)


Will be keeping an eye out!  :-D
Thanks for sharing No Care 1


Already applied!! Hehehe  :-D


Curious how does one get work on the ESS Truck?
Besides the minimum of Cert IV and LR Licence does SAAS select ESS Officers from the PTS pool and train them in the use of Barry? :P

No Care 1

Bariatric is just a small part of ESS. ESS involves high acuity transfers and now includes response to category C "emergency" work that doesn't need paramedic and lights and sirens , they also are doing more and more lights and siren first responder duties (respond and provide care until paras get there) they also do mental health transports.

So to do ESS normally the AOs spend some time in PTS if they are good they get selected to do ESS, Those who want to apply to go from ESS to bariatric or mental health teams,

You just need a standard (car) licence + SAAS driving course to do general PTS/ESS. If you go to bariatric SAAS pay for you to get LR licence.

Regardless which area the qualification you have to do is Certificate IV in Health Care (Ambulance), the same qualification that SAAS country volunteers do.


Thank you very much for providing more insight into the ESS enviroment, I personally am hoping to gain employment in ESS if I am deemed competent on the Strecther Taxis. Thats if I am successful in my application lol
Who else on this forum has applied for the PTS intake? Message me as I would like to make some connections before SAAS PTS Training.

Cheers  8-)