Diploma vs Degree

Started by saambo, February 08, 2011, 08:55:05 AM

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Hi All,

If someone wanted to apply to become a Paramedic in South Australia but only have a Diploma and Advanced Diploma in Paramedical Science what is the likelyhood of them being offered employment with SAAS.

I know both NSW and NT offer student paramedics 3 year Diplomas.

Would they need to apply for Bachelor of Health Science (Paramedic) and be RPL with the Diploma and Advanced Diploma.



1) Buckleys and bugger all

2) Yes we know....part of the reason they won't get professional recognition

3) Yes..pretty much only chance


Hi Sambo. I have my dip of para and have no chance in hell of getting into SAAS unless you are coming from another state service as a direct transfer. I need to still get degree. Only lucky thing I can do is a conversion degree  :-)

No Care 1

Yes the Diploma to Degree conversions are pretty much every where for the old boys and girls to keep up with the young'ins coming through. CSU, Vic Uni, Tassie Uni and ECU in WA all do it. I heard ECU can convert your Diploma to Degree in 6 months.




SAAS currently have renamed the protocols - "guidelines"

same thing - different name.

now that the 3 fingered GP has had his bucket and spade confiscated.....the words PARAMEDIC and AUTONOMY in the same sentence might no longer be such a feared concept!


Boredy....Vols and Career Cert IVs still work under protocols....freedom to think hasnt arrived at this level yet. For the public in some cases thats fortunate.

As for timeframes to convert Diplomas to Degrees, having had a look at it recently, here's my experience (times are for full time study)

Charles Sturt - 2 and a half years (less than 25% of the course as credit)
Edith Cowan - 2 years (33% credit given)
Flinders - 18 months - (50% Credit given)
Uni Tas - between 12 and 18 months.,....they werent really sure, it being all new and stuff to them

As for national recognition..... if anyone thinks that the 2 largest states with Paramedics (in them in terms of numbers )that all have Diplomas (NSW and Qld) are going to vote for a system that doesnt recognise them as Paramedics....then I would suggest they are kidding themselves. My belief is that the Dip will become the entry level qualification to be a Paramedic, with Degree and Post Grad qualified clinicians having differing levels or skill grades.

No Care 1

Mr Ted

The 6 month time frame I got from ECU was based on the credit transfer for having the diploma and on road experience with SAAS.

They apparently do alot of conversions for mine paramedics and ADF medics.

I heard a rumour QAS was stopping diploma training leaving ASNSW alone in the Forrest?


Quote from: misterteddy on February 21, 2011, 07:07:20 PM
Boredy....Vols and Career Cert IVs still work under protocols....freedom to think hasnt arrived at this level yet. For the public in some cases thats fortunate.

As for timeframes to convert Diplomas to Degrees, having had a look at it recently, here's my experience (times are for full time study)

Charles Sturt - 2 and a half years (less than 25% of the course as credit)
Edith Cowan - 2 years (33% credit given)
Flinders - 18 months - (50% Credit given)
Uni Tas - between 12 and 18 months.,....they werent really sure, it being all new and stuff to them

As for national recognition..... if anyone thinks that the 2 largest states with Paramedics (in them in terms of numbers )that all have Diplomas (NSW and Qld) are going to vote for a system that doesnt recognise them as Paramedics....then I would suggest they are kidding themselves. My belief is that the Dip will become the entry level qualification to be a Paramedic, with Degree and Post Grad qualified clinicians having differing levels or skill grades.


Quote from: No Care 1 on February 22, 2011, 06:30:49 AM
Mr Ted

The 6 month time frame I got from ECU was based in the credit transfer for having the diploma and on road experience with SAAS.

They apparently do alot of conversions for mine paramedics and ADF medics.

I heard a rumour QAS was stopping diploma training leaving ASNSW alone in the Forrest?

as I said, I've just gone through the process, and thats my experience on conversion times.

QAS is committed to at least 2 more years for the Diploma, and are actively recruiting 120 Paramedics now to their Diploma program (again my experience). The way they are bleeding staff (with crap work conditions, crap pay and no support) they will be lucky to catch up to break even on staff in 3 or 4 years.