SAAS Funding Cutbacks

Started by Hazmat206, January 14, 2011, 11:11:45 AM

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FUNDING cutbacks are stripping ambulance workers of resources, leaving patients in danger, the Ambulance Employees Association has warned.
Frontline ambulance workers have backed the warning, saying the cuts will leave them under-prepared to deal with high-stress scenarios.

The South Australian Ambulance Service has announced the first round of "disestablishments" to ambulance officers.

An officer, who did not want to be named, said 11 support positions had already been slashed and more were expected in the coming months.

"We are concerned, because a lot of the drugs we administer can only be given with a doctor's approval, and there are now no doctors specifically assigned to us," he said.

"For example, if we need to administer penicillin to a child with meningococcal, we need permission.

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"I am not sure what we are supposed to do now. I suppose they intend us to call a doctor and hope they are reachable."

Ambulance Employees Association industrial officer Wayne Carty said he was concerned the staffing cutbacks would have an impact on their service. "While the staffing cuts were not to frontline officers, they still will have a measurable impact on overall patient care," Mr Carty said.

"Whatever functions are cut, it will inevitably lead to a reduction in services. If you remove people who assist the officers . . . quality care could suffer."

He said the cuts in the rostering department could lead to inconsistent rosters, causing tired and stressed ambulance workers.

SAAS chief executive Ray Creen said the department was committed to maintaining a high standard of patient care and restructuring management and administrative services would not affect this.

"There is no reduction in frontline positions and the recently revised clinical governance structure provides a much larger network of doctors and other medical professionals who can offer medical advice and oversight," he said.

In November, the Government revealed 947 health-sector jobs would be cut over four years as part of its plan to save $2 billion from the public sector.

206 to Adelaide fire,Incident #59,situation found 440, action taken 41,K45, over

SA Firey

Only support staff according to the Acting Chief Aaron on the news.
Images are copyright


if you go to the SAAS threads previously you'll see that they include the 3 ASMOs (thats Bill Griggs and co), people from IT, Rostering (which makes no sense), and Admin types

Standby for this to become a regular feature in the paper with the Union getting a campaign ready is the whisper heading my way.....


Quote from: SA Firey on January 14, 2011, 02:04:32 PM
Only support staff according to the Acting Chief Aaron on the news.

'Only' support staff?

It's not as though rosterings job is easy...fark- they're using a rostering 'system' that doesn't work properly....they're trying to staff shifts on a shed load of OT....and all the while Foley is cutting back staff.   

A few of the changes I see as getting rid of Dead wood or stuff we can do without e.g ASNO's...but Volunteer support and rostering doesn't make much sense to me....


It eventually had to happen. As look at ALL the new vehicles etc that had been leased or bought when SAAS went government. The impression that I got was there was a big money tree all of a sudden in the back yard and every single dollar was shaken off it. And being an ex SA Government employee, I can see that there is a big build up of top brass needing to be got rid off.  :-)