Paramedical Services South Australia

Started by MedBoy, January 04, 2011, 09:06:00 PM

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I must say the nursing homes love us, the hospitals love us and the public love us.  I think the question of whether we are doing the right job has been answered.

What do you all think?


that is still just your opinion.

good work on an attempt at some free marketing tho!   :-D


sounds like a supplier of goods touting for business, which I thought was against the rules of the forum. Theres not much point to your post other than trolling or self promotion. Those who seem to promote the loudest, usually have a need to.

I wouldnt be so quick to assume everyone in the Health system loves might be disappointed. There has been more than one transfer where the patient has asked where the real ambulance (a story from a Hospital transport


Quote from: misterteddy on January 04, 2011, 10:55:16 PM
sounds like a supplier of goods touting for business, which I thought was against the rules of the forum.

Better get your cheque in the post before they pull the plug on you troll boy.

It's and your shameless self promotion and ongoing attempts at baiting me while hiding behind a pseudonym remind me of someone I used to do business with.........


Hmm, well if you ask me there is nothing wrong with a bit of self promotion seeing as Paramedical Services has been negatively viewed on this forum of late, eh guys?

Personally, I have seen Paramedical Services crews at the RAH and FMC and they do seem different to even 6 months ago. I saw them transfering a patient and obtaining good communication and establishing Phx of that patient... seems like their level of care is the same as our PTS crews, although I dont know what happens behind closed fleet doors. I heard a handover at the Lyell McEwen last week too and it was very good... but each to their own.

But, like others say: if they respect SAAS and understand when SAAS are required instead, then everything should work out okay.


Good one ambogirl....or is that Medboy who's had the chop overnight?

Anyone who works for SAAS couldn't give a toss what they're long as they stay away from sick unless you're a right trainspotter who's managed to get thru the system....I'm finding it both amusing and annoying at your poor attempt to be one of the regular crowd-despite your  persistent efforts!


Heard that Paramedical Services SA is no more.  Staff given the dcm, premises up for lease and vehicles moved back interstate. Nothing but a small whimper on radio a fortnight ago about them folding SA operation. AEA and Health only briefly commenting on ABC891.

The silence on this matter (and on this forum despite all the early hype) is surprising.

Anyone know wtf happened?

Medboy? Where did all that "love" go?  Or was a misterteddy correct that you may end up dissappointed


Why hang around if for other reason when you get scheiße on by wannabee's out there masquerading as ambo's in SAAS.

Come on, wake up to the simple fact that the private sector is going to happen in SA and while SAAS is using same they will grow.
Open your eye's and wake up to your own misgivings in this industry.

Oh, and by the way, the privates pay their own way (education etc) to do the job they do where-as many wannabee members on this site have been paid for by the taxpayer, who incidently has no say.


would be sooooo unlike me to say I told you so.....lmao  :-D

wtf happened you ask Numpty....well. Pretty average service to start with made even more average by some of the staff they employed, the management they put in place in Adelaide, and the fact they thought that they could use a NSW business model in SA. Resounding fail

The pre-hospital private sector is alive and well in SA Kelly, and will be one of the growth areas for Paramedics in the next 5-10 years, but like all business, only those that are responsible, ethical and accountable will survive.


The business failed because laws were changed that took revenue and business opportunities for PTS away.


Quote from: paramedicals on February 12, 2012, 01:41:30 PM

It's all good being a arm chair/recliner expert and gee are there a few here. The business failed because laws were changed that took revenue and business opportunities for PTS away. It was impossible to compete in the SA pre-hospital  market when you compete against volunteers and worse companies that don't pay their staff award wages as a minimum.

Paramedicals (?medboy) be careful when making broad statements.  Given volunteers are not in the PTS sector and, with Paramedical Services SA leaving the market, IMS Ambulance being the only remaining private PTS service that is active, members of this forum could perceive your comments as relating to us.

IMS pays ALL staff under the Federal Award (Ambulance & Patient Transport Industry) and the NES guidelines.  In fact, our staff are paid higher than Award as we classify higher than PTS Officer and ensure minimum qualifications (higher than SA Health requirements).  We also ensure two qualified officers are on board all Ambulance vehicles (not solo officer patient transports regularly witnessed by Paramedical Services SA).

As for the other points.  Ambulance Cover terms and conditions were always going to change (and you were told early on not to bank on it being a revenue).

To point the finger of blame everywhere but in-house demonstrates a lack of commercial perspective.

Taking a parting shot at volunteers or blaming them is also a bit rich given the markets and level of services they provide. If you consider volunteer organisations as competition then you have probably missed the point altogether.

Paramedicals, if you are aware of any organisation paying below Award then ring Fair Work Australia and do something about it.


I was not referring to your operation but rather the volunteer and not for profit sector who are involved in the sector.

I have edited my post to stop any confusion or misinterpretation.


considering volunteers have formed part of the SAAS workforce since inception, any business model that failed to take this into account in considering their potential competitors demonstrates an inherant lack of awareness on behalf of the management team



Strategic Management and Analysis 101. Your business model is always based on your knowlege of the competition and the dynamics of the marketplace (SWOT analysis). If your market research is faulty or based on dubious premises then your business model is bound to collapse and thus your business.


I am of the understanding that the SA regulations pertaining to Restricted Ambulance licenses clearly states that private services must employ qaulified personnel on all ambulance vehicles. If this is so and a private outfit did not, it would not be surprising that their operations would suffer. However, this does not mean that all private services are required to operate 2 up crews so a single operator (PTO) for walker/wheelchair low aquity should suffice.  Even ambulance services operate single operators in their clinic divisions.

What I cannot get a handle on is the bitching that is going on in this forum (Note, Forum. Alright I am blonde and might not be the brightest in these matters but really guys get a hold of yourselfs and work alongside the privates, because they will work with you, anytime.


Kellyp. The word you are looking for is "Access Cab" and there are plenty of them.

Call me blonde but if the  patient isn't sick enough to require an attending officer (even just for routine observations) then why would an ambulance be required? Why would anyone incur a cost of an ambulance for a walker or wheelchair low acuity? What would they be paying for if all they are getting is a Cert III PTO up front with the patient unattended in the back.

Privates in the eastern states (and the one that was here in SA recently) charge absolutely the same rate for transport whether there is one or two officers.

No savings to the bill payer or general public whatsoever.

So the obvious question is "who benefits from solo officer transports"?

The answer is ?

Hence the reason the AEA is so hot on the topic of " profit focus rather than patient care driven".


Well Hi there Numpty2012,

"Access Cabs" aren't they taxis?

Yes Eastern states do transport low acuity patients in ambulances because the patient cannot travel in a taxi. There are many reasons why and one need only open their collective eye's.

Yes, they also do charge the same for ambulance transport for the patients that cannot travel in a wheelchair taxi.

I have yet to see a w/c taxi transport a patient who has early post #Noff and possibly #Arm. These patients require a stretcher but not monitoring because they often travel with a family member and a well trained Cert 111 PTO is capable of the transport (as long as the patient is not to heavy to lift). Further if the sending hospital (Rn Dv1, Unit Manager or Dr) deems it appropiate and safe to do so then so be it. It is always what the hospital want and demands, it is not about money, safe patient transport is the name of game if you like.

Taxi's come and go in and out of all places, can be hailed off the street whereas ambulance transport is nothing likke a taxi so if you think that YOU could send all low acuity patients in a taxi, you have rocks in your head, literally. And blonde is not an excuse!

Something SA ambo's have got to understand. One is that the people who man the private ambulances are just as qualified as you if not more qualified and Second, is that the company who employs ambulance staff does so with within hiring strict guidelines.

The answer is not,

The reason the AEA is so hot on the topic of " profit focus rather than patient care driven" tehe SAAS is taxpayer owned as is SAAS staff. .


Why dont you all just drop your pants, I'll get the tape measure and we can end this bitching once and for all.

"is that negative as in yes, or negative as in no" - actual radio transmission from the field.......


Quote from: FlameTrees on February 15, 2012, 12:54:18 PM
Why dont you all just drop your pants, I'll get the tape measure and we can end this bitching once and for all.


kelly would win :(


Well blow me down, isn't that just what one would expect from a loser. Not being rude but this sort of language is not meant for this forum sunshine.

I am sure there are many who would assist you though Flametrees, if that your style.



Quote from: FlameTrees on February 15, 2012, 12:54:18 PM
Why dont you all just drop your pants, I'll get the tape measure and we can end this bitching once and for all.



Mr Teddy,

I have to come clean with your forum members, I just cannot take this anymore, I feel
abandoned, lost to the outer worlds of ambulance and the actual intelligence shown by so many. Is this the final moments or should I Come Out and reveal what Flametrees wants. I just do not know. A great Curry can be had at The British India Thali Bar ($22.00), oops did I do a commercial or was that a slip of a trouser leg. Sorry Flametrees I didn't want to get you exited and all that.

I told before what I do but I feel that everyone should know that my partner is an  .



Quote from: kellyp on February 15, 2012, 06:30:12 PM
Mr Teddy,

I have to come clean with your forum members, I just cannot take this anymore, I feel
abandoned, lost to the outer worlds of ambulance and the actual intelligence shown by so many. Is this the final moments or should I Come Out and reveal what Flametrees wants. I just do not know. A great Curry can be had at The British India Thali Bar ($22.00), oops did I do a commercial or was that a slip of a trouser leg. Sorry Flametrees I didn't want to get you exited and all that.

I told before what I do but I feel that everyone should know that my partner is an  .


and this boys and girls is why drugs are bad ....mmmm ok?


Think we need a new rule....

All posts must be in English.

Once again kellyp thinks it's all about them and doesnt see the humour.......nice to go the personal attack their kelly.

I would suggest before accusing anyone of having issues, have a good, long hard.......

.......look in the mirror.
"is that negative as in yes, or negative as in no" - actual radio transmission from the field.......


Well daddy Mi Thanking,

Wal I's dus kno ah bit about yous knows,. do yous understans mees sunshines?

Mirror Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all. The Blonde, that's who. Smart House.

If you can't take back what you give, then get a cooler position.

I know humour extremely well and I can spot sarcasm thrower a mile away....



Quote from: kellyp on February 16, 2012, 05:22:05 AM
Well daddy Mi Thanking,

Wal I's dus kno ah bit about yous knows,. do yous understans mees sunshines?

Mirror Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all. The Blonde, that's who. Smart House.

If you can't take back what you give, then get a cooler position.

I know humour extremely well and I can spot sarcasm thrower a mile away....


And that dear Kelly is exactly why these forums stall and everyone switches off.

Get a Facebook page or start a blog for ex-SJA's who crave attention.

Save yourself further embarrassment and edit/delete your recent posts so no-one else is unfortunate enough to read them.

Oh., and get some help