SAAS destruction - oops, meant 'de-establishment' of positions

Started by straps, January 05, 2011, 01:10:18 PM

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Quote1930493 14:25:59 05-01-11 1of2:Afternoon, There will be a teleconference at 1600 today to brief middle management on the de-establishment of 11 positions within SAAS

ANy news as to who / what and when...


bye bye...don't let the door slam you in the ar$e on the way out!

about time some of the deadwood was moved on...a' la Pickering style!

No Care 1

Ops Support
IT and marketing



some interesting choices there. Whilst not an apologist for any of the SAAS hierachy or work practices, it would appear to be an interesting list. Not sure how the loss of the rostering people will go, they always seemed to be the busiest people on the planet, covering all those overtime requests.

Boredy, any idea or word on how they are going to manage the Education Unit. Without commenting on the quality of the current lot, it would have appeared that is a pretty vital type function.


Quote from: No Care 1 on January 05, 2011, 01:40:03 PM
Dr Bill Griggs
Dr Evan Everst
Ops Support
IT and marketing

Until the next round...

Thanks Mr Foley  :roll:

I'm assuming that's a joke? At least the first two?
Check out the Australian Healthcare Forums:

No Care 1


What's the reasoning? That's ridiculous. Man this government gives me the shits.
Check out the Australian Healthcare Forums:


No it's not a joke.  More like appropriate rationalization of positions.  

The role of ASMO and medical director is pretty much redundant in this day and age with the clinical governance model that's now in place.  A good thing too.

Besides.....Bill still employed by SAAS - but wears red instead of green, and only gets one pay-cheque instead of two.


what I am supriosed about is that so much of the middle management non-operational structure appears to have survived relatively unscathed. Thers probably 40 positions that it could be argued should be done by Shared Services (even though we know they cant - separate argument). I am really surprised that HR didnt get booted, that was the first cab off the rank in other departments


There's still more to be announced.  This is just the start. 

A few packages will be taken in middle management and some portfolios redistributed yet......