Hugh Resigns

Started by No Care 1, December 15, 2010, 05:49:03 PM

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No Care 1

Delta Romeo 1 is to hang up his ambulance hat, has taken a position as Professor at Flinders Uni paramedic program. He will leave SAAS in Jan 2011 as per email to all of us today. He has been SAAS Medical Director (or similar names) since 1992.


Mixed emotions on this one....but it is Long overdue. The only really good thing he did was brag about how well he's managed paramedic training and guideline implementation in the Industrial commission- it went a long way towards getting us a reasonable pay structure- but was primarily led by his desire to sate his ego! 

Good luck to FUSA.


likewise, mixed emotions here.

Known him for a long time, and have worked with him on lots of projects. He has contributed a lot to the development of competent clinicians in a state where St Johns had managed to screw up a lot of things. He has also protected the Service from itself on occasions, by using his overriding medical authority to circumvent silly management initiatives. He was also a large part of the reason that the service got the level of professional pay  rates that it did.

The downside is that we have sort of been overtaken and sidelined a little by the rest of the country and certainly the world in skills and practice that are passe elsewhere, but apparently heresay in SAAS, regardless of research, but based on his personal opinion. Hugh's desire to build an empire for SAAS Paramedics/ICPs and ECPs has come at a cost for parts of the community. Anyone dealing with the new First Aid in the Workplace Code of Conduct will be more than aware of this.

I can't help but feel that maybe with the re-structure and management shakeup that he has been sidelined, probably deliberately so, and I agree with Boredy, that the change has been coming for some time. Still, credit where it is due, Hugh has been committed to the service for a good number of years, and his education of most of the states paramedics is a more than worthy epitaph. Would that others could contribute so much for the greater good (regardless of the motive). The move to the Flinders seat is not surprising with the transferal of the ICP program there next year, although it's sort of an insider trading appointment I guess. I look forward to continuing to joust with him there


Well Congrats on such a good career to him and hopefully I'll get to meet him at Flinders next year (assuming I get into Paramedics).

Who will be taking the Delta Romeo 1 spot?
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No Care 1

I wonder if we will be like WA who after their Doctor Medical Director resigned they replaced him with a RN/paramedic one?


I'm not sure you could describe the new WA Medical Director as "just" an RN, althouigh it is true that is where he started his career

An A/Proffessor at ECU (from memory), eminent member of the world resuscitation community for over 10 years, numerous published articles and research and the Chair of the Aust Resus Council to name but a few.....reckon he knows a thing or two about the game is more than qualified for the role. He's not a bad bloke either :)

Its sad for us he only accepted the WA role a few months ago, he would have made an excellent MD here (and he was living here enjoying some time away from Perth up until a couple of months ago, just to rub it in)


Given that it's no longer titled "medical director" you boys may well be on the money.

...and besides- all the decisions regarding clinical standards are now made by a consensus group of staff and medico's......the Exec. Director Clinical Services is just an Admin job......hello ASO 8!

SA Firey

Dont think you've heard the last of DR1 on the radio just yet fellas, he will still be out there somewhere. :wink:
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