Oh no! Not the big bad UFU! What are they going to do? Put some more paperwork bans on? The Union has that much that they could be making a point about and they're not. Which leads me into...
It will "ONLY" take "LESS THAN 30 MINUTES" to get an aerial into Mt. Barker? And this is ok because ITS THE SAME WITH SAMFS AREA? Are you serious? 2x ALP's for the entire state is a joke. It still fails me as to why there are not a minimum of 3, North/Central/South... Call the union!
You sound a bit against the UFU numbers, have you had a bad experience with them or have you quit their membership. Last time i checked i got a nice little pay rise and kept my conditions of employment, oh and the gear we use is not terrible because of them
I fully support Firefighters Unions, I just do not believe that the UFU are really performing or pushing the issues that they should. As I said, 2 ALP's for the entire state is a joke. Are their priorities in the right place? Mass Rally action for LSL entitlements, but not for Fireground OH&S issues? (Radio allocation vs. SOP, etc)
If you're all about maintaining the status quo and getting your 3.5% payrise in Jan, then sure, the UFU are fantastic.