Graduate paramedics

Started by jayc, October 24, 2010, 06:54:17 AM

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No Care 1

Quote from: jayc on November 05, 2010, 11:07:43 AM
ahhh, that's devestating...

Such is life!!!

Nope no way around it. No you can not start any training until your 19 and have a full licence.

Volunteers complete the Certificate II in Emergency Medical First Response. After a period of consolidation they then complete the Certificate IV in Health Care (Ambulance).Both are nationally accredited qualifications.

SAAS no longer teaches the Diploma of Paramedical Science (Ambulance) program, the old Paramedic program. You now need to go to Uni and complete the Paramedic Degree to get a job as a Paramedic (at least in SA)


Having said that, don't assume you won't get in because you are young when the time comes. I know 2 volunteers that are around 20 and another that is below 30. It just depends on the person right?

As we have said before, age is not necessarily a pre-requisite for maturity/life experience. I've seen people many years my senior do frustratingly stupid and immature things that I would not have even considered doing at 14 let alone 19 :)
Check out the Australian Healthcare Forums:


Thanks for all the info, no care.

Quote from: disOrderly on November 06, 2010, 04:41:10 PM
As we have said before, age is not necessarily a pre-requisite for maturity/life experience. I've seen people many years my senior do frustratingly stupid and immature things that I would not have even considered doing at 14 let alone 19 :)
yeah, well said!


Quote from: Blackfoot on November 01, 2010, 06:03:11 AM
Although this will provoke a torrent of abuse and angst try looking at the EMT Ambulance Service. All volunteer, training to diploma level and some lifesavers who work on shift during the winter months. A number of ex members who have obtained jobs with QAS and NSW services. 8-)
That is very interesting Blackfoot it seems that I have seen no one from the group get employment in queensland or NSW only know of members that have come from those locations with ICP or Cert 4 BEC SJAANT, Diploma and myself with Cert4 eqivalent SJAANT. In a way should not have got involved with this group down here. :lol:


Quote from: Blackfoot on November 01, 2010, 06:03:11 AM
Although this will provoke a torrent of abuse and angst try looking at the EMT Ambulance Service. All volunteer, training to diploma level and some lifesavers who work on shift during the winter months. A number of ex members who have obtained jobs with QAS and NSW services. 8-)

Excuse me Blackfoot EMT Ambulance is not an RTO so its training conducted by its training officer is not actually recognised anywhere in Australia so please refrain from stating your members are trained to diploma level because they are not!


SAAMBO that was very well put. Unless things have changed since I left in 2009 they are not an RTO. But I am over this mob. And good luck to their future there of. :roll:


Quote from: disOrderly on October 28, 2010, 01:00:17 PM
This has also helped me guys.

My only problem is I can't afford to leave the state to study (have my job, great work colleagues, family, friends) and my income is vital to my mum and I when it comes to everyday expenses.

Despite the fact that FUs degree doesn't seem to be that happy atm, I feel its probably the most appropriate.

Also, despite my shortcomings with Strath, I have applied to work at Goolwa as a volly. Interesting to see that Goolwa does more jobs than a metro station!
I can sympathise with you over Strath. Back in 91 - 92, I did my Ambulance training with that Station in the first few month there I helped with a lot of field duties as the other students were still doing recruit training so had to wait for them to commence the EC&T level 3 Course. I copped crap from a member when I commenced my course as I was an outsider. If you are from out of town you are out of the clique at this station. :-o