oh wjw......you seriously cant be serious....
The private services that I viewed a few (maybe several now) years ago were jokes. Ancient equipment, back from the days of CC&T in black and white....I'm sure some of them still had Trilene inhalers tucked away somewhere; ancient crew - nothing like bringing your patients with you to a job; poorly trained (First Aid if you were lucky along with some local instruction and little clinical guidance (let alone governance) and most importantly, unsustainable unfinancial operations. Jamestown was a classic case.
For all its issues, SAAS have provided a far superior product to the rural folk than they ever had. It is however up the THEM to step up and man it - nothing has changed from the days they were talking about on the TT program. Someone still has to get off their butt and do it. If you want a full time paramedic crew in the middle of bumfuXXnowhere, then don't complain when your taxes go up to pay for it. Its the same problem that CFS face, lots of people saying we want/deserve a professional service, no-one willing to man it, or pay for it
As for hushing up Today Tonight...lmao....as if that could ever happen, you've never dealt with them have you?