Change of Quarters (Between CFS Brigades)

Started by MATTE, September 14, 2005, 12:12:23 PM

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Surprised that you were required to go P1 for COQ. i thought that all COQ was P2???

Or is that only MFS Policy?


Depends on the situation.

And that day, s*** was hitting the fan everywhere.

MFS were getting training appliances out and going P1 change of quarters...

Wagon 1

You ever seen the Burnside video, P1 change of quarters back in the 80's, first one ever.

It can be done but I doubt it needs to happen often, depends on what fire cover is around.

The MFS training trucks went to the dump fire, so they could free up normal pumps, but from the sounds of u\it, they were running very very thin, I was surprised they didn't instigate more CFS COQ's, or where they told they couldn't have them?


do MFS actually ask for a COQ though?? as far as i know they just page the brigade as they would for any incident... or do they contact GOs?


MFS usually page direct, but on a few occasions we have been paged by SHQ, depending on how busy it is in their comms.
Don't look back. Something might be gaining on you.


Quote from: firetruck on September 27, 2005, 08:06:20 PM
do MFS actually ask for a COQ though?? as far as i know they just page the brigade as they would for any incident... or do they contact GOs?

Usually just page direct, just like any other job.


sorry that was just in relation to something David said... i was implying that i dont think CFS actually gets to decide wether they are going to go or not as it is part of the mutual aid agreement..

Quote from: David on September 27, 2005, 01:53:18 PM

The MFS training trucks went to the dump fire, so they could free up normal pumps, but from the sounds of u\it, they were running very very thin, I was surprised they didn't instigate more CFS COQ's, or where they told they couldn't have them?

Wagon 1

They often ask once it gets a bit more than one brigade, but a single COQ they won't ask, its pre=determined in the CFS & MFS SOP'S.

oz fire

Pre determined response no longer appears in the MFS or CFS SOP's. Nor will you find it in the Mutual Aid Plan, nor the last few. It did appear in the original Greater Alam ducument and the dual response documents, however with the advent of the updated MFS BOMS (Brigade Operations Management System) there has not been the need. This system is dynamic enough to ensure that where required a resource is moved to provide COQ.

Likewise under the old systems (90's) when more than one CFS brigade a CFS officer went to MFS - this now only occurs following discussions between thye MFS DO/FC and the CFS Regional and State DO's.

The primary reason - the two services are working better together, now have good understandings and through the EMA agreement joint training/familiarisation between those who share common areas or boundaries is allowing greater flexibility and understanding!

As for responding P1 or P2 COQ - MFA Coms will generally advise how quickly they need coverage
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the ability to control it.


my biggest concern re: COQ to cover CFS area would be for rescue rather than fire cover... since a lot of rescue gear is being stowed on light pumpers these days... and a hell of a lot of groups are more than happy to commit there rescue resources at fire scenes... and in one case i know of they are happy to commit BOTH there rescue resources to the scene (as in unable to respond at all from the fire) thus leaving there groups asses (or is it groups assets??)completely unprotected for rescue


Guys the trouble is CFS are going to "Multi Purpose" appliances so yes your rescue may be committed to a structure fire or even a grassy. Maybe CFS need to have more rescues? or implement RIV on these other trucks that arnt rescue?


I think RIV on all general purpose appliances is needed..


Quote from: strikeathird on January 02, 2006, 10:57:37 AM
I think RIV on all general purpose appliances is needed..
Wouldn't that be too much like what the MFS have...? We can't have that! (Sarcasm)

Alan (Big Al)

On the topic of Jan 11 Mount Osmond fire and COQ, Mundoo  group was responded as strke team at about 5 in the afternoon but halfway there was told to do COQ, Goolwa 34 to Bridgewater, Currency Creek to Stirling and Mount Compass i believe to Eden hills yet when we arrived all stations had their pumpers with crews sitting there!! It was a complete waste of time (my opinion only) and resources!!

But my opinion is that there should be a COQ organised if there are no near resources and theres a chance of another call!!
Lt. Goolwa CFS


I believe they were there for rural cover... Pumpers aren't particularly good for grass fires... (Stirling Pumper only has 2 lengths of 25mm hose...)


are you sure?? know for a fact that eden pumper was on fireground at mt osmond all day... but even so, so waht if a pumper is sitting in there station.... chances are its not gonna be much use for a grassie


Yeah, Pumpers can be used for asset protection... (There were quite a few SAMFS pumpers at Mt Osmond) but once you need to start chasing fire into the scrub, they aren't so practical...


Pumpers are no good for grass fires??? WTF.... Have you ever operated on a pumper appliance? I'm from Burnside where our Volvo pumper is now 24 years old, and probably better than most around the place, especially when fighting rural fires in the hills areas like Mt Osmond, if you think it's just because they have 2 x 25mm lines.... consider the fact they are 90m long are can actually get to fires..... in the areas where pumpers operate such as burnside rural appliances are almost useless because you can't get off road in a lot of places and those you can, if it was burning I wouldn't want to take an appliance anyway! A pumper is more of a multi-use appliance than a rural type plastic fantastic will ever be.....


not what i said skirkmoe... may have come across that way tho'...

what i meant is, pumpers arent gonna be much use for a grassie, when your offroad/chasing it doen fire tracks etc... although it would be a wonderful world if we could reach every grassfire with just the two 100m hose reels we have on pumper...


Both appliances play a vital role at any fire, particularly large scale incidents...

Rural trucks can obviously do more off road, and Heavy pumpers are going to be better for pumping gret distances / asset protection..

Now lets not see this thread turn into "Another" pumper thread.