Apparently we only go to bushfires....

Started by Darren, October 07, 2010, 07:51:45 AM

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Anyone else read the statement from the CFA???

I must admit I laughed, its soooo nice to be thought of as the RFS, I guess thats the opinion of other services of this once proud fire service....or maybe its a sign for what we are becoming ??


cant prove it?? then i didnt do it......

SA Firey

Posted by Peter Beaton
Monday, 04 October 2010
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Victoria's CFA volunteers have welcomed the selection of Euan Ferguson as their new Chief Fire Officer. Volunteer Fire Brigades Victoria, representing the 60,000 CFA volunteers, says he is an excellent choice.

VFBV's Andrew Ford says Euan Ferguson understands working with a volunteer-based organisation.

"Euan has plenty of experience here in Victoria, he has high level fire fighting and organisational experience, and he understands what it takes for CFA to work effectively as a volunteer-based organisation," Mr Ford said.

"The CFA needs strong operational leadership and Euan will bring this - the volunteers want the CFA to give highest priority to ensuring they get the training and the equipment they need, to be able to get on with the job they volunteered to do," he said.

"Euan has a reputation as a good listener and a good communicator, and we invite him to strengthen the CFA's connections with its volunteers and make the most of their professionalism, their knowhow, their experience and their motivation to protect Victoria."

Euan Ferguson is currently the Chief Officer of the South Australian bush firefighting organisation, the CFS, and is a former Deputy Chief Officer of Victoria's CFA.  While the CFS is predominantly a rural firefighting service, Euan's CFA experience makes him well versed in its role of protecting more than half of suburban Melbourne and regional cities as well as country Victoria.

VFBV has also praised Acting Chief Officer Steve Warrington, who has filled the CFA's operational leadership role over the past six months.

"Steve Warrington is a very capable senior officer and has done a good job of preparing the CFA and the communities its brigades represent, for the coming fire season," Mr Ford said.
Images are copyright


badly imformed person making the statement not much of a hassle really!


I did read the article and i did reply to it,I guess its our so called media units fault as all we ever here of CFS is in Summer its not CFA faults but the fault of the so called media unit in Safecome...When was the last time you heard or read in the paper that CFS had attend a house fire or a Chemical spill or a RCR???


Whats all the hassle about..???

"Euan Ferguson is currently the Chief Officer of the South Australian bush firefighting organisation, the CFS, and is a former Deputy Chief Officer of Victoria's CFA.  While the CFS is predominantly a rural firefighting service, Euan's CFA experience makes him well versed in its role of protecting more than half of suburban Melbourne and regional cities as well as country Victoria...."

Arent we a "predominantly rural firefighting" service?

What were our incident stats across the state last year if we attended more than 50% rural incidents wouldnt that make us a "predominantly" rural fire service?

Having worked for the CFA I can assure you all that they have a much higher urban/rescue percentage workload than us.


I reckon only about a third of the calls attended by CFS last financial year were rural related........

There are three types of people in the world.  Those that watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who wonder what happened.


Tree downs had the highest percentage of response for last financial year..and the last, and the last???

Alan (Big Al)

most of them would have been in your group too zippy :-P haha
Lt. Goolwa CFS


Too true Rainer, and with an increase of 342 career firefighters as the first stage of CFA moving into the future their Urban profile is set to skyrocket with the rapid growth of Melbourne. In CFS land if you get to urban you get a paid red truck, in CFA you get CFA staff and the vols still get to have a play.

Maybe some of you should put your application in?

oz fire

CFA just as CFS has rural/bush fire as its primary legislative role! After all we are the control agency for .... rural fire, MFS have urban, we share Hazmat with MFS, Police have rescue and SES have severe weather and flood, SO the report is correct from a primary focus. Also the majority of our funding goes to bushfire prevention, poreparedness and response.
If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, swims like a duck ... aint it a duck??
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the ability to control it.


Quote from: oz fire on October 11, 2010, 04:30:05 PM
If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, swims like a duck ... aint it a duck??

But if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, swims like a duck, but is only a duck 33% of the time, is it still a duck?

Also, i think you'll find the CFS is control agency for all fires in a CFS area.  MFS is only the control agency in MFS area.

oz fire

Quote from: CFS_Firey on October 11, 2010, 06:20:02 PM
Quote from: oz fire on October 11, 2010, 04:30:05 PM

Also, i think you'll find the CFS is control agency for all fires in a CFS area.  MFS is only the control agency in MFS area.

Yes you are correct, fingers typed quicker than brain reacted
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the ability to control it.


You will fit in here very well then ozfire.


Quote from: oz fire on October 11, 2010, 04:30:05 PM
CFA just as CFS has rural/bush fire as its primary legislative role! After all we are the control agency for .... rural fire, MFS have urban, we share Hazmat with MFS, Police have rescue and SES have severe weather and flood, SO the report is correct from a primary focus. Also the majority of our funding goes to bushfire prevention, poreparedness and response.
If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, swims like a duck ... aint it a duck??

Not to mention we share Rescue with SAMFS and SES. In terms of Rescue, Police only have "Search and Rescue - Land and Sea"

Hope you've slowed you fingers down a tad...
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...