Euan Resigns...

Started by rescue5271, September 30, 2010, 06:50:16 PM

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I may be wrong, but its just a shame we did not end up with someone from a more urban focused background...


On the upside....he should be good at managing vast tracts of land with very little resources.....


Alex, that is why we have MFS.....


Quote from: Bill Corcoran on December 15, 2010, 02:00:07 PM
Alex, that is why we have MFS.....

Haha thats right... cos the interservice training is amazing.


So does that mean we just let fires go now?

Alan J

Quote from: pumprescue on December 15, 2010, 04:38:03 PM
So does that mean we just let fires go now?

In theory we'd have less worry about mega fires if we just let the little ones
go about their business on mild days.

Hoping an ex-NT Chief, with responsibility for Darwin as well as the Tanami,
and formerly a vollie in Sydney northern suburbs will have a bit more urban
awareness. We urban fringe brigades may have less land to worry about, and
individual assets may be worth less than most farms, but we have the highest
concentrations of sheep-like people. While Darwinism is a popular religion in
its theory, practical application to large populations of -our- citizens
generates much negative press.

Hmmmm... I wonder if pointing this out to Hon. Treas. would loosen the
purse-strings a little... :evil:
Alan J.
Cherry Gdns CFS

Data isn't information.  Information isn't knowledge. 
Knowledge isn't wisdom.


Oh god, an ex-RFS vol....


I also think he worked for FESA before going to the NT....


Was talking to some CFA staff / friends last night, Euan is doing the tour of fire stations and along the way is telling the story of his true love......RAKEHOES...


Yes I can see it now "sir this is our new bronto and our new scania pump"
"yes that's great but all you need is a rakehoe and a box of matches"


Quote from: Alex on December 14, 2010, 09:06:50 PM
I may be wrong, but its just a shame we did not end up with someone from a more urban focused background...

I'm pretty sure that he is from NT Fire & Rescue, which covers the Urban side of things. BushfiresNT would be the Bushfire dudes up north?

Although on the whole, I'm too sure of how much "Urban" focus there is in a Service with 180 Career Firies.

Only time will tell, but a fresh set of eyes no matter what their background can't be a bad thing.
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


Quote from: 6739264 on December 23, 2010, 03:02:19 PM
Although on the whole, I'm too sure of how much "Urban" focus there is in a Service with 180 Career Firies.

more than the CFS

SA Firey

That focus might change when he realises how much money WE DIDN'T have to play with :-P
Images are copyright


Anyone heard anything from the new guy yet?


I understand he will be at our RVMC meeting next week...


SA Firey

Images are copyright




Meet the new chief last night at our RVMC his background in the fire service goes back a long way, he joined the CFA at Rainbow which is in region 17 so just across the border from us,he then went into the army for 25 yrs and while in the army was a Volunteer in the CFA,RFS and ACT while stationed in those state. After the army he took up a job with FESA same rank as our regional commanders from there he went to NT as their chief and now is here.

He has only been in the job 3 weeks and I think he will fit in well and with help of ACO Lawson he has been doing the rounds and not of the pubs.