Injuries whilst on duty

Started by Numpty, August 28, 2010, 01:09:56 PM

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Hi all,

Just wondering what the go is when a volunteer firefighter is injured in the line of duty. Does the government pay for the medical costs and any rehab? what happens if the worst does happen?. Has anyone had any issues with regards to getting looked after.



CFS is an exempt employer under workcover - meaning CFS doesn't pay  premiums to workcover, but must set aside money for workers comp, and adhere to some fairly strict standards, imposed by workcover.

A CFS volunteer is, for the purpose of workcover, is classed as an employee.

If a member suffers an injury in the course of their CFS duties (which includes callouts, training, PR events etc) they are covered for medical & rehab expenses, and income maintenance - just as any other employee in any other Govt Dept is.

However, I was told last week that, unlike other departments, income maintenance to CFS volunteers does not drop down over time, if the member is unable to return to work over a long period of time.


There are three types of people in the world.  Those that watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who wonder what happened.



for those volunteers in the SES and SAAS....same does not apply to you

Its a point of considerable concern at the moment in SAAS....lots of to-ing and fro-ing about what a Vol will actually get in terms of compensation. Lots of questions being asked of management from the Country Representative committee

SES, my mail is that their vols  arent employees and are covered by a (SES) self funded insurance policy....details, not overly sure about. The CFS classification of volunteer staff is pretty unique in workcover land


Quote from: misterteddy on August 30, 2010, 08:09:20 PM
SES, my mail is that their vols  arent employees and are covered by a (SES) self funded insurance policy....details, not overly sure about. The CFS classification of volunteer staff is pretty unique in workcover land

Nope, my understanding is that SES have same cover has the CFS has described by Pip.
The running of the system for both agencies is via SAFECOM OH&S.
SES SHQ have had multiple Workcover audits over the years to ensure compliance.
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


Correct mate - has been that way since the new act came out (even though its not covered in the Fire & Emergency services act as such) Try the Workers compensation Act & regulations for the official view. SES is not in fact specifically mentioned but:-
103A—Special provision for prescribed classes of volunteers
(1) The Crown is the presumptive employer of persons of a prescribed class who
voluntarily perform work of a prescribed class that is of benefit to the State (and the
Crown therefore has the liabilities of a self-insured employer in relation to persons of
that class).
Therefore just like other government entities SES is deemed to be "self insured". I specifically covered this aspect when I did my "Workers compensation for Claims Administrators course" in 2006 & other Workers comp training sessions.
I hope this helps
just another retard!


And remember, if you hurt yourself at home, just ensure you can make it down to the station and 'hurt' yourself there. Compo!

Now, back to that corruption inquiry...
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


 :-D :-D :-Dain't that the truth :wink:
just another retard!


Quote from: misterteddy on August 30, 2010, 08:09:20 PM
for those volunteers in the SES and SAAS....same does not apply to you

Its a point of considerable concern at the moment in SAAS....lots of to-ing and fro-ing about what a Vol will actually get in terms of compensation. Lots of questions being asked of management from the Country Representative committee

SES, my mail is that their vols  arent employees and are covered by a (SES) self funded insurance policy....details, not overly sure about. The CFS classification of volunteer staff is pretty unique in workcover land

Aren't SAAS vols classed as 'unpaid employees'? Would this not give them the same entitelements as perms?