CFS training night

Started by CFS_Firey, September 13, 2005, 03:27:49 PM

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What night does your brigade train?

13 (52%)
2 (8%)
4 (16%)
1 (4%)
5 (20%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
As organised
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 21


I used to think that all brigades trained on the same night... It seems I was very wrong, but a lot of brigades still do train on a Monday, so I thought I'd start a poll to see.
(The results might get skewed a bit by two members of the same brigade voting, but at least we can get some idea..)


Training Occurs Wednesday 1930Hrs ( 7.30pm) and Sunday 1000Hrs (10:00am)


Quote from: CyberCitizen on September 14, 2005, 10:02:23 AM
Training Occurs Wednesday 1930Hrs ( 7.30pm) and Sunday 1000Hrs (10:00am)
Do you train twice a week, or is there a choice of two sessions, for the people that can't make it to one of them?


Quote from: CFS_firey on September 14, 2005, 06:29:59 PMDo you train twice a week, or is there a choice of two sessions, for the people that can't make it to one of them?

Primary Training Is On The Wednesday, However There Is The Optional Sunday Training, Sometimes Its Just Maintance, Other Times We Go Out & Train, Depends On How Many Members Come Down (Or How Many Members Went Out Partying The Night Before).


We train Fridays at naracoorte from 1930 hrs caedts train mondays from 1800hrs,afew of us take the appliances fro there 30km run sundays around 0930.there was some talk last year about a second training nite but it was only a talk....


We train every Monday night. We start at 1900hrs with equipment maintenance then at 1930hrs we start training until around 2100hrs.


Every Thursday, occasional Sunday arvo.
There's a difference between genius and stupidity -- genius has it's limits.


Training.......................Whats that .. ???


we train mondays....

but hey when i sy train, i mean we have a meeting once a month, dont train on public holidays, and even when we do train that could mean we only go for a drive for a while, or bowl a hose and roll it up.. very rarely dfo we actually do anything useful...

sometimes i get the impression that i am the only one in the brigade that actuallsy gives a rats...  :|


Wet train Mondays.....
Does anyone have any really good training ideas that involves EVERYONE.


We trained once...........


Could you offer to run a session for your Brigade to help out the enthusiasm thing? Just a thought - don't make it TOO flash or complicated if there's not much happening at your training at the moment - the older, less enthusiastic members may switch off to it :-)

I honestly don't think that if enthusiasm is waning for training (rhymes!) that it equates to people "not giving a rats". It is hard to continually have interesting and useful training sessions on a long term basis and it involves time commitment to planning and preparation.

Also when you've been to training every week for 10, 15, 20 years or so seriously it is hard to get overly enthused and motivated sometimes!
There's a difference between genius and stupidity -- genius has it's limits.


Adam, get them to do some pre planning on a number of sites in your area,like the hospital, old peoples home. get them to write up a plan of the site what would they do if in was on fire or what if there was a chemical spill at the hospital. Here is a good one what would they do if rescue 51 when landing at the hospital hit the drum of fuel that is up on the oval???

One of the great things I like about Naracoorte is each brigade member gets the chance to run training and it works well. I am doing a friday session on fire alarms and sprinkler systems there is alot you can do and people in this group are also able to give you help.