Interesting news

Started by 2468, July 24, 2010, 02:06:00 PM

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Drunk teen steals 14-tonne fire engine
From: AAP July 24, 2010 2:09PM Increase Text Size Decrease Text Size Print Email Share Add to Digg Add to Add to Facebook Add to Kwoff Add to Myspace Add to Newsvine What are these? AN intoxicated teenager stole a 14-tonne fire engine and activated the emergency lights before eventually being pulled over in Sydney's Blue Mountains.

Police alleged the 16-year-old boy broke into a fire station at Lithgow and stole an Isuzu fire truck about 11.45pm on Friday.

He was pulled over a short time later by police and was breath tested, returning a positive reading of 0.045.

The teenager was issued a court attendance notice for novice range drink driving and other traffic matters.

He will be dealt with under the Young Offenders Act for the offences relating to breaking into the fire station and stealing the fire truck.


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Simply- LOL

SA Firey

But I didn't steal it your honour the keys were in the ignition :?

Same thing happened at Hahndorf a few years ago, but the drunk fool couldn't get the air brake off...he got a free ride in a Police car for his efforts. :lol:
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