RCR Resource Directory

Started by Roger, September 13, 2005, 07:33:47 AM

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Quote from: kat on September 28, 2005, 08:26:03 PM
In the past we had a few examples like an operator refusing to turn us out to a MVA when requested twice by police (actually told them it was a council issue). On third call argued with a Brigade member on scene who insisted we be called.

wow... that sounds like a monumental -up by the operator.. what were the circumstances on that one?? how can an MVA possibly be a council issue....

Wagon 1

I think that issue has been solved in SOC Kat, long time since I have been abused!!  :-D

But think about being in the SOC shoes for a minute, they have rules to follow, each time a brigade or group makes something up causes them no end of hassle. If I was them, I would follow the Green book, because if I do that I can't get into trouble, but if someone requests something additional then sure, go ahead. But as I have said time and time again, the Green book has been researched and signed off by all agencies, so that is what needs to be followed, I swear sometimes group and brigade people just don't get it, and are blind to the rules that need to be followed. Think about that before abusing SOC staff, and I think they are much more helpful now than they have ever been.


Dunno, seemed operator thought that because MVA was car vs cow that fire service was not required. Long, scary story but really, this issue has been resolved.
There's a difference between genius and stupidity -- genius has it's limits.


We got a list of all streets within our area, listed the most logical responses.... seems to be working well so far. Still get local input from Alerts on occasions as well.


Question is though...

who actually "polices" the following of this directory.

Wish I had a dollar for every accident that happens around here that we are not called to. Many of them have had not only police but ambulance in attendance.

And what about where the "other" rescue service calls the nearest rescue unit from their own service when they require assistance, bypassing one if not two closer CFS rescue resources?
There's a difference between genius and stupidity -- genius has it's limits.

Wagon 1

I doubt very mcu (apart from what you already mentioned Kat) that CFS SOC would not turn someone out to an incident, its more likely taht they were never told, and unless the have a crystal ball they are not going to be able to turn you out.
As for the other service turning there own out, well, it must be done locally, because all comm centre's should be following the RCR resource directory. But I am not saying it doesn't happen.

oz fire

Kat we have used the issues form from the SOP's and gone through the regional duty officer. They told us it was going up to the comittee that manages the RCRRD for resolution and about a month later we had a letter stating that it was a local error by a particular service - soon rectified. The issue that we have problems is SAPol and SAAS attending and them 20 mins latter responding fire and rescue - again this also we pass through to the region to follow up - lucky region, they would get a few, so I'm guessing sooner or later the offending services will get the message - I was hoping that things may be better in the country where the local copper may know the fire and rescue crews ...... obviously not always the case
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the ability to control it.


Our local cops aknow us well and are excellent but I think they try not to "bother us" if it's deemed unecesary. Also it's more often than not cops from the next larger town where there are way too many to get to know :-)

Ozfire I'm glad your Region are prepared to follow it up to that extent. Perhaps we should try again - has been passed on to the Region through Group for raising many times in the (distant) past.
There's a difference between genius and stupidity -- genius has it's limits.


just for a second... im a member of the public, i witness a motor vehicle accident... my first thought "OMG they need an ambulance."
i ring triple 0 and ask for ambulance service, and they turn there guys out... it is then up to the ambulance comm cen to advise sapol and sacfs/samfs of the incident.. very rarely inside urban areas do the fire/rescue authorities get told about mva's until sapol or saas have arrived and deemed a response necessary...

this shouldnt happen but unfortunately it does.

i quite often drive on my way to work or wherever and notice a car smashed up on the side of the road... and think, "wtf??? why didnt we get responded to that." i have even driven past an accident that sapol where in attendance at, in our area.. stopped, identified myself to the officer on scene and asked why fire/rescue hadnt been responded, and he simply stated that they didnt need/want us. i looked at the car and could see liquid leaking from under it, so what did i do? i rang triple 0 asked for fire, and reported the MVA stating there was noone trapped but "something" leaking from under the car. easy fixed, and perfectly fine thing to do.


Yes, well, you CAN turn yourself out to an MVA IF you happen to be aware of it (doesn't need to have anything leaking). But the real question is why are the other services not following the memorandum of understanding? And at least out here in small country townsville we would look pretty "tossy" pulling up and turning ourselves out to an incident that the local, well respected coppers (that we don't wanna upset)tell us we're not required at.

I have seen the ambos working around and in a rolled over car without fire cover and think surely this is an OH&S issue for them?
There's a difference between genius and stupidity -- genius has it's limits.