Interschutz Report from CFS

Started by Heavy Rescue, August 02, 2010, 09:32:50 PM

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Heavy Rescue

Interschutz is the world's largest fire and emergency services exhibition. It takes place once every five years in Germany. The exhibition is best described as massive with the one in Leipzig covering six huge halls, a large outside static display area and a demonstration area.

The report from the CFS Manager of Infrastructure and Logistics is available from the CFS Members section of the CFS website.

Some interesting information there, including an admission that the current CFS appliances are poorly stowed.

Worth a look.


Shows a lot regarding the current state of interstate liaisons occurring within the country at the moment.

99% of the "New" ideas discussed in the paper have already been implemented elsewhere in the country. In some cases, the have been in place for years...

I'm sure that one day AFAC will actually work in terms of having the Fire Agencies of Australia actually managing to talk and share ideas... one day...
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...