That may well be the case in the urban fringe Bundy bear, but for many other areas of the state, a 34P is quite an adequate vehicle!
In the case of bittenyakka's response area, and the surrounding areas, there is hardly any mains water (in fact, if you go left from that station, there is one private hydrant point within about 10 km of that station...and it doesn't have great pressure.
In much of bittenyakka's Group response area there are no hydrants what so ever - so it is all very well having a great big pump...all it means is you run out of water more quickly!!! Connecting multiple lines to it is generally just an exercise in bowling out hoses!!!
The issue of whether the 34P is a suitable vehicle or not really comes down to one size doesn't fit everyone!!
As for backing up MFS - do we see metro MFS with light 4 x 4 vehicles, to assist CFS just in case CFS call on them for assistance on the urban fringe?
Are we responsible for ensuring that our equipment covers another service's area?
Since the budget that CFS gets is not a bottomless pit of money, CFS have to make do with what they get - and try their best to ensure that the whole state is covered for equipment - not just the urban fringe.
Ultimately, it comes back to governments not funding CFS appropriately - something that has been going on for some time....... discussions on this website have highlighted what we can do about that!!
As for feedback to Infrastructure & Logistics - I know of several instances where that has been done, and now IS & L are looking at the feedback that has been made, and doing something about it (eg a suggestion was made to bring back 24 sized appliances, for areas not well suited to the physical size of the 34's - something IS & L are looking into.)
When new appliances are delivered to brigades, there is a feedback sheet to go with it, and brigades are encouraged to give feedback - and some changes have been made to successive builds of 34's & 34P's (Remembering of course, that it is not a simple process to change a build part way through a run!!)
So a 34P might not suit your brigade, but for many brigades, it works well.
Are we ever going to get the "perfect" fire truck - probably not, but at least we are getting new appliances, hopefully with each new build, improvements are made, so we do end up with a good, suitable appliance.
Look at the appliances we had 25 years ago, compared to what we have now..... a vast improvement - not perfect, but an improvement!@