Call out priority - who decides?

Started by THE RANGER, April 05, 2010, 04:18:39 PM

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I question sometimes who makes the call :?, As you can by the message the SAAS GOT responded 8 min B4 anyone else, we rolled 9 min after our page, it took us 6 min to get there.  My question "Why the delay"

1924962 13:58:24 04-04-10 MV71 CatB Brookman Rd, Hope Forest SAAS Road Crash Research

1908891 14:06:56 04-04-10 MFS: *CFSRES INC042 04/04/10 14:06,RESPOND Vehicle Accident,CNR BRIDAL RD & BROOKMAN RD,HOPE FOREST MAP 0 0 0 TG132,2 CAR ACCIDENT, NO ENTRAPMENTS, 1 CAR BL,OCKING ENTIRE ROAD,MCMP19 RNGE00 CFS Mundoo Group Officers Response


Its up to the police if fire service are needed for cleanup only jobs....


not necessarily - SAAS crews will routinely ask for SAMFS for a cleanup prior to SAPOL arrival....


9 mins isn't to bad, as what you will often find is the SAAS call taker will take the details and it will get dispatched, as you will see the page, but they will stay on the line a few more mins to get more out of the caller, then they might notify SAPOL, there goes anther couple of mins, then they ring the fire service, then the fire service rings ALERTS for those brigades that don't put data into the system, then after arthur, martha and dulcie work out who to send the page will go out. 9 mins, doesn't take long.

Alan (Big Al)

And also the other jobs may come in that saas call taker etc may need to deal with first, thus delaying them ringing the fire service even more
Lt. Goolwa CFS


Quote from: Darren on April 05, 2010, 08:38:10 PM
9 mins isn't to bad, as what you will often find is the SAAS call taker will take the details and it will get dispatched, as you will see the page, but they will stay on the line a few more mins to get more out of the caller, then they might notify SAPOL, there goes anther couple of mins, then they ring the fire service, then the fire service rings ALERTS for those brigades that don't put data into the system, then after arthur, martha and dulcie work out who to send the page will go out. 9 mins, doesn't take long.

Darren W.T.F is wrong with you!!!!............Arthur, Martha and Dulcie are no longer on alerts, seems Arthurs hearing aid caused feedback, Marthas incontenance pants werent up to it and Dulcies false teeths base plate has cracked and the replacement set is still 4 months off.
Mavis, Audrey and Davo are now the primary call careful with Audrey...shes fiesty!!!
Just Another Filtered Fireman


Quote from: boredmatrix on April 05, 2010, 05:09:21 PM
not necessarily - SAAS crews will routinely ask for SAMFS for a cleanup prior to SAPOL arrival....

Ah,  but the comcen's do the chitchat chitchat....police dont actually have to arrive to dispatch fire service..

I know plenty of cases around this area, where the local ambo crew have called 000 while enroute to ensure Fire service/Rescue are dispatched promptly.

Waiting till arrival slows things down...


well i can honsly say from experiences. than it can also be 000 fault. i being experienced fire fighter had a car accident involving work car and moterho-me bus. not fun but hay rang 000 ask for polices and fire. get patched throw to local sapol "ok will send them out" 10 min later no sapol no fire response being my brigade is response for this location. luckily one of the deputy group officers turned up at the scene. contates Adel fire and presto. fire are respond. the scary thing is 20 min from the origanal call cfs have arrived 25 min latter sapol arrive got to love it. but ya that's just my experiences.

also talked to some of group officer's who say to ask for fire. because we at lest resp on the other agencies at the same time hopefully this all gets better with sacad.

prob wont


Quote from: frosty on April 09, 2010, 11:27:34 AM
well i can honsly say from exsperances. than it can also be 000 falt. i being exsperanced fire fighter had a car accedent involving work car and moterhome bus. not fun but hay rang 000 ask for polices and fire. get pached thow to local sapol "ok will send them out" 10 min later no sapol no fire respons being my brigade is respons for thist locashon. luckly one of the deperty group officers turned up at the scen. contates adl fire and presto. fire are responed. the scary thing is 20 min from the origanal call cfs have arrived 25 min latter sapol arrive got to love it. but ya thats just my exsperances.

also talked to some of orer officees who say to ask for fire. becaues we atlest respon the other agencesy at the same time hopfaly this all gets better with sacad.

probly wont

:? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? .....u taken d pisss!
Just Another Filtered Fireman



i do have dyslexia so spelling is a bit hard for me. i do apologies if it is still wrong.


Quote from: frosty on April 09, 2010, 11:27:34 AM

also talked to some of group officer's who say to ask for fire. because we at lest resp on the other agencies at the same time

more likely something to do with Adelaide Fire having the time to make those nice calls - considering they're only dealing with 100-200 cases a day as opposed to SAAS with >1000 and SAPOL with more than double that.....


Ranger. Get yourself a copy of the Road Crash Rescue Directory and have a read.

It is the responsibility of the initial agency who receives the call to notify all other agencies of all vehicle accidents [it does not matter how minor] outside the metropolitan area. This is to reduce response times, and avoid any issues if info from the public is inccorect re entrap or fire hazard.

SAAS recently started advising re; every single call but that seems to have lapsed. And SAPol are just plain hopeless. Unfortunately it will take an incident where an Ambo or Police Officer gets hurt/burnt with no firies to assist before change for the better really happens, the fact that extrication of casualties has been delayed greatly in a few instances doesnt seem to have made any differance.

No we may not necessarily 'get to work' at every VA we go to, but as with everything it's easier to take a stop, than have to play catch up.

SA Firey

Isn't this thread becoming a rehash of SAAS Responding other services thread :roll:
Images are copyright


First I apologise if I am rehashing anther thread, I will go and read it SA Firey  :-D

Secondly Alex where do I get a copy of the Road Crash Rescue Directory ?

I agree with you as annoying as stop calls are, I like the proactive response rather than the catch up method.

:oops: OK, I see what you mean Firey, a damn good thread, will take a few hrs to read it,

cheers  :-D


Region or Group possibly? I am not entirely sure. If that fails then you could request it via HQ. The only bit of real interest would be the memorandum at the beginning.


if you have a opps room at your brigade you should have it especially if you are rcr or supporting agency. we are fire support don't carry rcr gear we never need to we have mfs and ses so we don't need it. but it shlould be a green folder.