General Discussion > Women of the Fire Industry

La Trobe University Survey

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Wagon 1:
Kat is right, don't push it, it annoys them more, just show them you can do it, and don't act like a spoilt brat either. Just show them how its done, the more you say how good I am the more the ignore you. Actions often speek louder than words. Trust me, I have been there done that, learnt by my mistakes and now wear a yellow hat.

Yeah, i just tend to shove them on the end of the hose at big jobs and they soon realise their place when they cant handle the fire and end up handing the hose to me.
Another thing that works is ask them to get something off the truck that doesnt get used very often and wait for them to come back to you and ask you where that item is, you dont need to yell at them for not knowing where it is because you've already put them back in their place.

You dont always need to get angry to let people know who's boss.

^^ How true!

Getting back to the survey wife has done her's its in the mail would like to see how many female members fill it in but also would like to see one done for male members....

I know that we have two femails in the brigade who did not receive them, but the other two did. So we will keep a look out for ours that may still be comming.


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