
Started by oz fire, May 26, 2005, 12:29:47 PM

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oz fire

Take off your CFS/Fire Service hat (ok Helmet) for a moment!

Now stand back as Joe Public at the scene of a fire and watch the fire fighters.........

what grabs your attention ...........

The way they do their job
What they do
What they do to help others and
How well they do it!!!!!!! :-D

Not - what sex they are, what colour they are, how old they are, what physical attributes they have!

Unfortunately some CFS members (as with many other services) bundle people into minorities - to stereotype them and make themselves feel comfortable.

The challenge to YOU is to break the mold - when we put on the uniform we are fire fighters and we all have areas of expertise and challenge.

The issue of male or female, black or white only becomes an issue if you let it.

So set the example and promote fire fighters - not stereotypes of fire fighters!  8-)
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the ability to control it.


I understamd the sentiment behind your post. Keep in mind that when a particular group of people are under represented and have a lot to offer, it is fair enough to have specific programs and benefits for the under represented groups.
The fire services have been very exclusive and to some may still seem that way, even though we know that all are welcome.

It's good to see the tide slowly changing and that we can support everyone.


Quote from: oz fire on May 26, 2005, 12:29:47 PM
what sex they are, what colour they are, how old they are, what physical attributes they have!
Unfortunately some CFS members (as with many other services) bundle people into minorities - to stereotype them and make themselves feel comfortable.
The challenge to YOU is to break the mold - when we put on the uniform we are fire fighters and we all have areas of expertise and challenge.
The issue of male or female, black or white only becomes an issue if you let it.


Now I think this is a touchy subject, and possibly very damaging to the CFS and VFBA. For equity to exist in any organisation it need to firstly recognise it's shortcomings as an organisation, whether it's a volunteer emergency service or a multinational billion dollar company, in the areas of culture, gender, ethics, race, sexuality, and diversity. This should take place as a proactive procedure, not reactive or presumptuous. (That sound almost political in tone doesn't it?)

My believes as follows: 'If' the CFS/MFS has an appropriate code of conduct for its employees (including volunteers) it should cover all aspects of equity for gender, race, culture and creed in its mandate. Having stuctures in place like 'women in the cfs' may have benefit immediate needs of recognition of this group, but from an external point of few the fact that this group exist may mean to people that problems of gender exist, which I don't believe is the case!

I will stand infront, behind, next to any of my piers in the CFS regardless of there culture, gender, race, ethnisity, sexuality, believes because I believe we share some things in common. They are that we wear our uniform to protect our communities, friends and family in times of crisis, and that we do it without thanks, at all times and in all conditions.

Harassment  :x in the volunteer setting is a whole other topic and is rife through many organisations and dare I say probably in the CFS is certain areas
James Gardiner
Belair CFS

oz fire

Thanks all for your comments - hopefully many more comment and read the posts and share the belief of a united service.

Could not agree more - we serve our communities, together. The graphic is excellent - this I have saved and will use. As for under represented groups in CFS there are MANY and MANY are not represented.

My belief, as with James and cyber citizen's posts - we stand together to protect our community - lets therefore stand united and recognise EVERYONE as a whole and not build silos - as silos often fill and then things (in this case people) are left out  :wink:
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the ability to control it.


Quote from: oz fire on May 27, 2005, 12:42:21 PM
The graphic is excellent - this I have saved and will use.

Here are the other graphics.


Yes but the biggest silo (in this context) is a male dominated fire service, and women have been left out. Hence why there are programs to help change the tide.


mmm,I would have to say that people in the community dont care if you are male or female as long as you come and do the job.But having said that I have found that when you are giving a talk to a group of people they are very surprised that the service does have female firefighter's so much so that I now take along one of our females to school visit's and the kids and staff get a great buzz at seeing a female.

I am not sure what the problem is with females that join then leave the service,it could be a mix of alot of things and we should try and find out why. I for one am for female's joining and we should welcome them in as we do male's. There are still brigades out there that do not allow females to join and its these brigades that give us a bad name....


I Agree With You There, We Have A Few Females In Our Brigade, x3 However We Could Do With A Few More As The Male To Female Ratio Is Quite Large On The Male Size.

I Think We Should Put Together A Form For Any Member That Leaves The CFS To Find Out Why They Are Leaving.  If Would Be Good To Get Some Feed Back.


Although I agree that we need to encourage women to join the CFS, we could also say that we need programmes to encourage younger people to join, or older, retired people to help with communications etc...  :? :|


Quote from: CFS_firey on May 28, 2005, 03:18:01 PM
Although I agree that we need to encourage women to join the CFS, we could also say that we need programmes to encourage younger people to join, or older, retired people to help with communications etc... :? :|

When trying to get people to join, its hard not to seem as if you are targeting a specific group. Take the last MFS intake, dont know how many of you saw the flier sent to brigades, but it was very "female" orientated. However, had a couple of words been changed in order.... would have been the exact opposite!

I agree, equity is important in anything we do, and should be highly encouraged. The key is attempting not to offended anyone else in the process, or create another minority....


Quote from: CFS_firey on May 28, 2005, 03:18:01 PMwe could also say that we need programmes to encourage younger people to join

We Have Our Cadets, We Seem To Have Quite A High Number Of Cadets So That Is Good, However As For Aux Members I Don't Think We Have Enough.  This Is Something That We Need To Look At.


Quote from: CyberCitizen on May 27, 2005, 04:10:41 PM

I Think We Should Put Together A Form For Any Member That Leaves The CFS To Find Out Why They Are Leaving.  If Would Be Good To Get Some Feed Back.

I have heard that CFS is already conducting "exit interviews", in an attempt to find out what can be done in assisting retention of members. I dont know if this is actually happening, or in the pipeline, or just another story, but i reckon it is an excellent idea.

Good times

Its simple, can you do the job

YES- welcome aboard

NO- sorry thanks for coming

No special treatment for anyone thanks, no focus groups, no special "come and try" days

If you can do the job to the required standard your in.


I noticed there was a female firefighter in a splash suit on the front of the paper this morning... (The Canberra thing), but somehow I doubt that any 'civilian's' would have noticed / cared....


What's wrong with "come and try days" and "focus groups"?

We had one member come back from last weekends new members day very, very keen and motivated and wishing to nominate for BA and RCR. Now I have been asking her (yes, irrelevantly a female) to consider these courses for quite some time with no success. So this day was of immediate benefit to our Brigade and community straight away.

And during my time condicting sessions during the Women in CFS come and try days I encountered many, many success stories from women who had been inspired to become active firies, drivers, BA opearators etc. Most have to overcome life long societal baggage that has given them the ingrained impression that they are incapable of doing these things. A lot of them had to face more overt and nasty (not to mention unlawful) disincentives.

If Many Brigades are (and I believe they are) experiencing volunteer recruitment and retention problems and they have, say 2% female membership and women are 51% of available potential volunteers why wouldn't you welcome an initiative to make membership more attractive to that sector? (Particularly when there are distinct barriers to this sector). Similarly if the Brigade membership average age is 50, why wouldn't you try to attract younger members with specific programs?

Look forward to your answers   :-)
There's a difference between genius and stupidity -- genius has it's limits.


That's a great post Kat!! and so true!!


Cant disagree with that Kat......


I think its time H/Q or someone up top formulate some sort of Recruitment package!   Help the services not only recruit, but retain there members..!

Who out there actually recieves any help from group or region when it comes to recruitment!! ????

oz fire

Recruitment is part of the "Volunteer Management Branch's" role from SAFECOM.

At a Regional level this is facilitated by the VSO - Volunteer Support Officer, who if requested can provide Brigades and Groups with assistance, advise, material, banners, posters, brouchers, strategies for recruitment, retention and a number of other ideas to help us keep our brigades active!!!

Just give the region a call - some VSO's are allot more proactive than others, however they should all have the promotional material and heap of info.
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the ability to control it.


Interested to know what you disagree with, Mike?

Sadly I could give several recent examples of women being refused, membership, access to training and overt sexual discrimination and misconduct (and many more of the less overt), some of which have been officially reported and resulted in no further action than a recommendation that offenders undertake workplace dignity training,

On the recruitment package - there has been one developed and I'll start a new thread on recruitment with my thoughts on that one :-)
There's a difference between genius and stupidity -- genius has it's limits.


Hmmmm..... I cant even remember posting that reply!!!

Even more unusual that i didnt qualify the statement..........

Going back over the thread I cant see anything to disagree about..... infact, my post prior to that pretty much agrees with the general feel of the thread......

**wonders what i was thinking**


Ive figured it out....... The word filter is playing up.....

It seems to have removed the the first word of the post.....c  a  n  t


That's funny :-)

Glad the word filter seems to be behaving now, before it created too much havoc!!!
There's a difference between genius and stupidity -- genius has it's limits.


hehehe.... That word filter did seem to create a whole heap of confusion for theose few days... :lol: