La Trobe University Survey

Started by kat, September 09, 2005, 12:22:53 PM

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All CFS Women Volunteers are being sent surveys from La Trobe Uni on their experiences in CFS for compilation. This information will be used (anonymously) to provide data to CFS.

There's a difference between genius and stupidity -- genius has it's limits.


Yep my wife got one last week and is going to fill it in looks ok I had a little read and the questions I read are fine by me and I hope all female members fill it in and return it. Hope we all get to see the results...


What is the purpose of the Survey ?


Good question really.

Cover letter from Euan says basically to collect data.

From the looks of the questions it would seem that they would like to establish if there is a problem with discrimination/harassment within our service and also if their are specific barriers to women volunteers.
There's a difference between genius and stupidity -- genius has it's limits.


how about discrimination/harrasment between younger and older generations within brigades??? but i guess that doesnt exist does it :-D :-D


Firetruck,you will always have that problem and what the younger members have to remember is that the older members where once like them and that we all get old. The other problem that does and is taking place is that older members are taking big stepps back for the younger member but at what cost to a brigade. We all need to learn to work as a team and not the old and the young.....


I dont have a problem with older experienced members, but i do have a problem when older new people join.
I am only 22 but have been in the cfs for 8 years and
am a senior firefighter and i cant stand it when someone over the age of 40 joins the brigade and expects me to bow down for them on the fire ground.
Sure these people have life experience which i value but they still have never seen a fire just like a 16 year old that joins. Of course because officers cant disaplin anyone anymore you just have to put up with it.

Sorry off the subject a bit.


I see where your coming from tiller man but it does work both was,hey may be at the next job ask him how he would do your job.. So who gets to see the results of this survey?? are there any plan's for males to do a survey of this type works both was...


Quote from: TillerMan on September 24, 2005, 06:16:51 PM
I dont have a problem with older experienced members, but i do have a problem when older new people join.
I am only 22 but have been in the cfs for 8 years and
am a senior firefighter and i cant stand it when someone over the age of 40 joins the brigade and expects me to bow down for them on the fire ground.
Sure these people have life experience which i value but they still have never seen a fire just like a 16 year old that joins. Of course because officers cant disaplin anyone anymore you just have to put up with it.

Sorry off the subject a bit.

i understand exactly!!! hate it... lucky thing for you is that you have the red stripe that at least lets them know that youve been around.

i have been around for 3 and a bit years asa firie and seen a fair bit of action, got a fair bit of experience, and as you said older ppl join and they just pay absoloutely no attention to anything that you can help them with or teach them.


This is all quite a generalisation.

When older people join it it not the persons age that determines if they will respect the experience of younger people. It is their character and personality.

I have been in a situation where a retired person joined and I was able to help him go from strength to strength. He never once looked down on my age, rather highly valued what I had to offer.

So it is dependant on the individual not an age bracket. IMO :-)

It's very good to see that CFS is conducting surveys, it hopefully means the powers want things to improve.


I agree with tiller and F/truck.  I have also noticed alot of 'older' peoples personalities and characters , make them think they know everything after only being around for 2 seconds... 

Don't think it will change any time soon tho.


Any idea roughly how many women there ARE in the CFS? or what percent? and how many are active or support?

I personally think the CFS can benefit a lot from having a greater female membership, and hope the survey picks up some good recruiting points :)

I know what you are all talking about with the older people thinking they know better, but I agree with Firefrog... I've had the same attitude from younger people, and some older people that were fantastic.. it seems to depend on the person...


Good to see They are asking questions...

As for age gaps.... I had that problem when I was a cadet, (which is fair enough - i was being a pain in the neck ;) ) But there is a general respect now.

It works both ways, if you walk in with your back up, with the idea that these people are going to ignore you....... you aint going to get far. It took me a while to figure out.

Ive learnt to try and understand why im being told  this stuff.... and explain my point as well. It makes for a very relaxed well understood environment.

Takes two to tango.....

but this is getting off topic.....

Wagon 1

I for one am suprised that there isn't more females in the service, but I guess it still isn't seen as a female thing to do?


Lot of barriers to women in particular joining the fire service.

Mainly broad cultural and social issues not easily adressed, I think!

Be interesting to see what the survey discovers but I believe by far and away the majority of female members had male relatives or partners in the service and that is how they were introduced.
There's a difference between genius and stupidity -- genius has it's limits.


On the age vs experience or youth thing.

Hopefully if you can demonstrate respect to others they will in turn respect what you have to offer.

It's very hard to explain to new, enthusiastic members sometimes why something just 'aint right with their plan or idea. Without discounting their valued input and the possibility that they have much to offer and could have hit the jackpot, sometimes years and years of experiences, trials and tribulations have taught us things that would take years to explain :-)
There's a difference between genius and stupidity -- genius has it's limits.


Kat i read your post a couple of times, and i may still be reading it incorretcly, but i think youve grabbed the wrong idea.

what my original post was about was people like me the 19 y.o. with 8 years CFS experience, 3 years as a firefighter in a semi-busy urban brigade, level 1 through 3, senior first aid and advanced resus (and experience doing work experience/observation on SAAS ambulances), BA and chainsaw experience, plus plenty of knowledge about CFS ops.

being ignored by the brand new off the street 40 or whatever y.o. becasue im just a kid.


Yes, I was referring to a bit of a different scenario.

A shame that they do not respect your experience. Have seen people in this situation try too hard to demonstrate that they have this experience despite youth with the result that they intimidate or irritate the older, new member who feels that their own skills and experiences are undervalued. Can become vicious circle. Maybe you can be the bigger man - your experience will show out in the end.

Trust me as a young female in the service I encountered many older members with less knowledge and experience completely discount anything I may have to offer. Couldn't give a damn what their perceptions are as long as the job gets done.
There's a difference between genius and stupidity -- genius has it's limits.


nah i dont continue to bother them.. i offer my help, if they turn it down, then bad luck for them
it just makes the younger guys in the brigade a little annoyed when we offer help/enthusiasm/whatever to new members, and get shot down.


It's easy.  When voting time comes around just remember their behaviour / attitude...

Wagon 1

Kat is right, don't push it, it annoys them more, just show them you can do it, and don't act like a spoilt brat either. Just show them how its done, the more you say how good I am the more the ignore you. Actions often speek louder than words. Trust me, I have been there done that, learnt by my mistakes and now wear a yellow hat.


Yeah, i just tend to shove them on the end of the hose at big jobs and they soon realise their place when they cant handle the fire and end up handing the hose to me.
Another thing that works is ask them to get something off the truck that doesnt get used very often and wait for them to come back to you and ask you where that item is, you dont need to yell at them for not knowing where it is because you've already put them back in their place.

You dont always need to get angry to let people know who's boss.



Getting back to the survey wife has done her's its in the mail would like to see how many female members fill it in but also would like to see one done for male members....


I know that we have two femails in the brigade who did not receive them, but the other two did. So we will keep a look out for ours that may still be comming.