SAAS CEO and HEalth restrict SAAS Ambo's out of hours work!

Started by 360Joules, March 12, 2010, 02:52:47 PM

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Changes to code of conduct and   employment outside SAAS'

On 1 February 2010 a new Public Sector Act 2009 commenced. This replaced the old Public Sector Management Act 1995 (PSM Act).  

What does this mean for SAAS?  

For the most part, the PSM Act did not apply to SAAS employees (only Part 2 did) whereas the Public Sector Act does. (Only Part 7 of the new Act does not apply to SAAS employees)  

Anything you need to know?  

To support the new Act, the Commissioner of Public Sector Employment has issued a new Code of Ethics (the South Australian Public Sector Code of Ethics) for all public sector employees.  

This new Code of Ethics overrides the SAAS Code of Conduct. Essentially they are very similar, but there are two key changes that you need to be aware of:  

   1. The Code of Ethics applies to all public sector employees (this includes SAAS) all of the time; not just when 'at work' (as was the case with the SAAS Code of Conduct).  
   2. There have been some minor changes to conditions for undertaking employment outside SAAS.  

Both of these changes have been discussed with the AEA.  

Changes to outside employment

If you are a full-time SAAS employee engaged in other paid employment outside the public sector you MUST seek written permission from me as SAAS's Chief Executive Officer.  

When the Health Care Act 2008 was introduced, all new employees have been bound to seek this permission (from their relevant CEO); however, existing employees already in outside employment were not bound to seek permission. The latter has now changed!

Important to note:  
   • Paid employment includes any employment (including self-employment), work or service for which payment is received by way of pay, salary, honorarium, commission, fee, allowance or other reward.  
   • You do not need permission for voluntary or unpaid activities or paid recreational activities such as sport or coaching sport unless there is an actual or potential conflict of interest between these activities and your duties and/or role as a SAAS employee.

What's the point?  

It's essentially to ensure that any employment that you are involved in outside the public sector does not conflict or have the potential to conflict with your role at SAAS. And, that it does not bring SAAS into disrepute.  

12 March 2010
What do you need to do?

If you are currently engaged in outside paid employment and have not sought permission about this, please write to me directly seeking permission. Please make sure you include all relevant details including:
   • your employer
   • the type of work you perform  
   • what hours you work.

Once I receive your request, I will respond and a copy of both letters will be placed in your personnel file.

Please note that as this is going in your personnel file, it does need to be a signed letter. Letters can be addressed to:
Ray Creen
Chief Executive Officer
SA Ambulance Service
GPO Box 3
ADELAIDE   SA   5001
Or DX 718

We realise that this change in Government Policy has implications for some of you engaged in outside employment. So, we are requesting that all letters seeking permission are received by me by 1 July 2010.  

What next?  

We are in the midst of compiling a new code for SAAS staff. This will include:  
   • the Government Code of Ethics
   • special conditions for SAAS employees (mainly related to patient care and ethics etc)
   • special considerations for volunteers who are not covered by the Government Code.  

Thanks in advance for your understanding and support.  

Ray Creen
Chief Executive Officer


well...if your Union is as weak as the proverbial and allow SAAS and the Govt to single out SAAS employees like this, without making a fuss, then u deserve what you get. Just because you might work for another organisation does not mean a conflict of interest arises. The first test case will be worth watching. Having said that, there are a few that are probably on a bit of shaky ground... what a shame it was this CEO that encouraged them to do what they are doing. Will we see a mass sick leave day just to prove a point? Time is right, the public would love to be able to belt up the Minister over this just before an election

Imagine if they try this with the MFU...lmao. Yes, I know they have to notify and seek permission now....but seriously no-one has ever been knocked back.

While we're at it.....wait for the exodus of volunteers from SAAS as well when they start the enforcement of having to undertake a 12hr shift each week plus training at least every second week ..... yes thats MUST be on the roster for 12 hours each week to stay as a volunteer, otherwise, SAAS will say farewell to you regardless

"SAAS values the diversity in our workforce....but only if your a stay at home with no life"

SAAS has become very petty minded of late, I hope that its not a lasting could prove somewhat terminal




I am surprised this 'new' rule is an th IT industry that has been part of the norm employment conditions for years...the only time I have been stopped is when a potential conflict of interest could occur (then I explained more & it was OK).
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


360 nothing much surprises me these days with SAAS or the Union.... I have to say they are rather a disappointment after getting so-called professional rates in....maybe their laurels are getting just a little wide and expansive after all their sitting in their plush new SAAS supplied chairs (speaking of conflicts of interest as we were)

For me, the devil is in the detail....what constitutes a conflict of interest? Is it working for a company that provides a clinical experience different than the usual hash and trash that SAAS provides? Is it one that offers event coverage that SAAS used to provide, but has chosen to remove itself from? (and the CEO most vociferously wanting to get away from it) I'm not so sure. Setting up a company in direct opposition to SAAS ie the IMS and Paramedical Services companies providing ATS type services, might be a different matter, but hey, as I said the first test case will be interesting. People do things for many reason, chasing $$ is sometimes sacrificed for gaining skills and experience - thats why people work for less than what you think is fair.....hell, some of us even do it for nothing...or pay for the privledge.

As for fatigue and or injury.....maybe we should ban overtime too while we are at it.....or at least those that call in sick for their shift and pick up O/T in another Then we can start on contact sport, and late nights and before long you'll be able to ring EOC to come and tuck u in at night. A bit nanny-ish really. Manage the problem children appropriately, but dont come up with ridiculous sticks and beat up everyone....

As for the volunteer thing, I agree completely with you (I know....amazing huh?) A union?....cant see that ever occuring, sadly it will only change with the passage of time, and the bulk of the experienced Volunteer teams. In my area a fringey sort of station that backs up a sleepy little paid station, there are 8 of us with more than 4 years experience.....4 of these are unlikely to perservere and stick it out...SAAS seems much happier to put a Cert II with Advanced First Aid in the seat and pat themselves on the back as mastering recruitment.....service to the public is falling at an alarming rate in the sticks.....and even this doesnt raise a murmour from the Union (who cant even raise a "put paid staff in there" argument)

As I said.....petty and nit picky is flavour de jour in Eastwood....i wonder if anyone has told them theres a use by date for it




Quote from: crashndash on March 12, 2010, 10:25:40 PM
well...if your Union is as weak as the proverbial and allow SAAS and the Govt to single out SAAS employees like this, without making a fuss, then u deserve what you get.

Requiring staff to seek permission to take on paid work outside the Government is nothing new - for at least the last 16 years, (and probably more) all police officers who want to do any paid work outside of SAPOl have to produce a report, detailing what they will be doing, and gain permission from the Assistant Commissioner.   And, if approved, a report has to be submitted every 12 months, regardless of whether circumstances have changed or not.....

The report is required, regardless of whether police are intending to undertake investigations type work (similar to policing) or completely unrelated work.

From an outsider, it would appear SAAS simply falling into line with other Govt departments, now that SAAS is part of Govt....

There are three types of people in the world.  Those that watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who wonder what happened.




Quote from: 360Joules on March 13, 2010, 06:03:13 PM
Pipster does SAPOL investigate the potential employees a SAPOL officer requests to work for?

I believe so......submitting an application for secondary employment is not just a "rubber stamp" process...nor is it a fast process.....

There are three types of people in the world.  Those that watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who wonder what happened.


 what about us volunteers who may work for a health industry eg nurses, private patient transport etc. Are SAAS going to tell us they dont want us anymore due to conflict of interest. To be honest there is no diference between volunteers and paid staff in this position. As long as you are not running the companies there must be some sort of compromise  :?. People just want to survive hard financial times.


Another thing what about the paramedics who own farms do they need to get permission to work on them. Injuries can happen there also. :?


Quote from: bajdas on March 13, 2010, 10:44:20 AM
I am surprised this 'new' rule is an th IT industry that has been part of the norm employment conditions for years...the only time I have been stopped is when a potential conflict of interest could occur (then I explained more & it was OK).

every company I have worked for (sort of computer/engineering more than 'IT') has only had that if a second job is in the same or related field then you need approval.  So I could get a second job as a brickie with no need for any approval from my employer if I wanted (and could fit it in time-wise etc of course).




Quote from: 360Joules on March 13, 2010, 01:29:21 PM
Crash we agree on something... it had to happen one day lol  :-)

well....I've woken up this morning and the world hasnt ended.....

Quote from: 360Joules on March 13, 2010, 01:29:21 PM
I take my unionist career hat off to country volunteers. I'm sure your communities support you, but perhaps SAAS by the sounds of it needs to support you more.
actually in truth few of them really do. Many people arent aware their local country ambos arent paid....they just assume we are. Reminding SAAS of the fact would be a good start however

Quote from: 360Joules on March 13, 2010, 01:29:21 PM
I will raise the issue of volunteers becoming members of the AEA. There is no reason you should not have some protection.
Perhaps you guys need to become retained like Country MFS stations, this way you would have more protection and entitled to some decent $$$ when working?

been there done that last year. Seems the Union thinks the interests of its members would be better served (ie they get more members who get more money) if there werent any volunteers......thinking I cant really fault, but it would be nice to think they could be a little alturistic however

Quote from: 360Joules on March 13, 2010, 01:29:21 PM

I hear what you say crash about people doing events and other stuff not just for the cash. I understand why students and people like volunteers would be seeking more experience. But private company Directors should not be able to pimp junior and willing staff, take advantage and make $$$ for themselves.

i think you need to concede that many of your paid colleagues do this too 360 ICPs, Paras, ATS and even a CTL or two, it's their choice to look for additional skills or experience, and maybe not be so quick to hammer people running the companies. If they dont pay appropriately, or arent competitive, then they wont get staff, Vol, Student Career or Hobo off the street. Simple as that

Quote from: 360Joules on March 13, 2010, 01:29:21 PM

Is there a reason for example that we couldn't intergrate SAAS volunteers into the Clipsal 500 track medical extrication teams working with paramedics? Is there a reason Volunteers should'nt have a career path into ATS? Until this private explosion ATS officers were working along side paramedics and ICP at the races getting experience and $$.

I'm afraid it has everything to do with Career staff attitude and the Union (not bashing either of them here for the sake of it)......but theres a heap of other examples I could raise about the reluctance to integrate Volunteers

Quote from: 360Joules on March 13, 2010, 01:29:21 PM

PS something interesting happened at a horse race meet today that could turn this whole privatisation issue on its head? stay tuned.
bet it doesnt change a


Quote from: 360Joules on March 13, 2010, 06:03:13 PM

Now today a cardiac arrest occurred at a SA Race Meet track. Today the patient was lucky enough to have 2 SAAS on track Crews including x1 ICP and x3 Paramedics at their side in minutes.

and in the future, there will be more ICP and paramedics available to man emerg resources, so its reasonable to assume that within 6-10 mins they will still be there to assist

Quote from: 360Joules on March 13, 2010, 06:03:13 PM
In the future it appears they will get a Paramedic, and a couple of First Aiders. I feel for the poor paramedic having to be the sole advanced practitioner at that type of case.
or they could get a SAAS Cert IV straight out of training, who is clinically mentoring a Cert II student with Advanced First Aid with no training in how to do this appropriately as an Emerg resource. This is happening occasionally in the Metro area.....I know who I'd prefer.

Quote from: 360Joules on March 13, 2010, 06:03:13 PM
We heard today the private company taking over is charging  about $800.00 less than SAAS does per ambulance per events. Corners must be being cut to do this.

well I guess for starters they don't have to pay the $1000 per day for each Paramedic wage on O/T.....see punters now u understand why the career guys miss their event coverage....a cosy EB deal that said any such event was paid as overtime  :lol:



History may give some perspective - way back in 1989 the AEA and the Bannon government accomplished two out of three objectives:

1) Abolish all volunteers ambos from city area service - accomplished.

2) Abolish Venerable Order of St. John from the ambulance service - result is SAAS - accomplished

and finally 20 years later :

3) become fully entitled public servants with pay rates, status and employment rules of the public service - accomplished.

So what are you fellows whining about - Brother Ian and his comrades would be proud of what you have finally accomplished.


360, You have popped up lately and very quickly jumped on the Ambulance / Private industry band-wagon, with quite a directed conversation and subject content on a number of different threads.. All of which lead to one outcome.. You seem to like to target one particular area, in all of your threads.

Your motives are being seriously questioned, let me make this very clear. Along with your apparent deliberate intent to consistently poke the preverbial at various organisations / companies..

Be very careful, your are nearing the borders of slander and defamation. - That is all I will say on the matter.

No Care 1

Long time reader of forum, first time poster.

Whats all the fuss about? :?

Private companies are a reality of modern life.

I know there are ambos on my station and all over Adelaide annoyed that a private company has been given the Racing SA contract.

Either these companies will do a good job or they will suffer a massive failure and been crucified in the media and industry.

In regards to mentioned awards and pay rates. Again if companies play by the rules they will get and keep quality staff. Thoses who make money at their employees expense will reap the reward of no staff or very poor quality staff. Again if they are breaking laws I'm sure they will get caught out in the end, but as SAAS ambo's its really not our business.

Sorry there doesn't seem much attraction in doing event or PTS work for private companies for a pittance and with second job tax.


I thought the whole thing was about any second job not just working for a company in the same industry i dont thing the union can do anything about it as SAAS is not a public sector organisation.
It cant effect vollies cause we need to pay the bills and have a life our reembersments wont cover daily living.

(apoliges for spelling mistakes its 1240am and i have had to massive shifts at work on only 4 hours sleep)

cheers all     

No Care 1

All out there - SAAS is now a Public Service (part of the government) the policy that 360Joules refers to above is in response to SAAS staff having to come in line with other public service employees.

What it essentially states is that SAAS and the Government can control what other work its full time staff do (when not on duty for SAAS), pretty standard for Police, Nurses etc.

A few reasons for this, they don't want SAAS being brought into disrepute, don't want their staff fatigued or exposed to injury.

I would agree with you I don't see it really being a problem unless you are competeting against SAAS.


interesting seeing the new guys come rolling through, joining up and posting on this topic

If I thought that the moon landing was done on universal studios back lot, and that the mafia's second man on the grassy knoll killed JFK, i could almost think there was some connection with previous authors

No Care 1


Ex CFS volunteer in my younger days, enjoy coming on and reading. As I said long time viewer.

Just thought I would put my 2 cents in.

I'll sign off now and you can go back to deciding if 9/11 was an inside job  :?


No Probs No'll have to excuse me, my paranoia is showing

By all means please continue to bring another perspective to the discussion


my apolligies was ment to be is now a public sector not is not a public sector