NOT THE TRUCK - watch this space

Started by THE RANGER, March 04, 2010, 08:49:05 PM

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Great an election is looming - good timing to get some press - one side (of politics) offers 9M the others 13M.  Well lets see what happens when these pollies find out that while they are chasing brownie points to encourage new members the bureaucrats in the CFS want to take one of our trucks.

The thing is its over 12 years old - is in good condition and owes knowone anything (some diesel and a service now and then) and its damn reliable, something which is comforting considering its role. This is getting personal, and its only just begun.

Oh yeah I have heard it could be the activation of the minimum fire cover thing -you know "Rural Brigades on need one truck" - mmm, well I guess we don't need so many members that's easy.

I have tried my best and succeeded to get 2 new members others have brought in another 6 in the last 2 years, why  :?, it the rural brigades that have the members on tap 24 / 7 because we work where we live.

No offence intended to the town based brigades - we are all brothers (and sisters) in arms, we do what we do for our community not for fame or fortune.


Any chance of a bit more detail ?

You need to look at it without emotion, how many runs does that truck do a year, is it just a people carrier, what would happen if you didn't have that truck.

I am guessing you have been told you are going from a 2 truck station back to a 1 truck station, have they offered you anything else eg a QRV (or whatever they are this week) ?

There has to be a reason.....pity we don't know where you are  :-)


The ranger
welcome to the forum.

Can you please post a more detailed and reasonable post. the one above sounds like it could happen in CFS but your post is more like a whine which we could all post our own sob stories. Please make it a logical and direct augment like Darren suggested or i will remove this thread


That would be range hope forest he is talking about :roll:


Yep now the word is out... and the response well now its official.

We are destined to become a single truck station, so they start with us, which 2 truck rural brigade loses their truck next.

Watch this space, we will make sure we stick up for all rural brigades. :wink:


Yes its bad your losing it, but why, what arguement do you have, not saying you shouldn't have it, just playing devils advocate, been through the process of losing appropriate trucks before, and I can tell you, its a lot of work getting the right mix, they need facts and figure, and they LOVE graphs...!! (by the way I thought the term old girl was a bit rich !)


We realise the stats and graphs will be pulled out, we are ready. The official response re sending the 24 to a higher risk area..mmm let me see  a rural brigade, located on top of an escarpment(the same location the Ash Wednesday fires began), a pine forest, a conservation park, no mains water, 100+ ha of new farm Foresty and more on the way, can't wait to see their, higher risk area


So does Range Hope Forest have any town as such to look after? or is it completely a rural brigade?


Completely rural - however explain how this is different to the land owners who have had fires on their properties this year, last year etc in one case 2 fires in the last 12 months . Keep in mind we are their in a second for our local towns, and strike team, why we always have a second crew and truck to cover our area.

Take away our redundancy and leave our property owners with no back up, that's forward planning.

Lets pull out the stats, don't use the South Australian Country Fire Service Promotions Unit stats, have no idea where they come from.


The stats from the promotion unit are pulled directly from the AIRS reports you put in after every call. Are you filling one out for every call you attend ? Thats where a lot of the time they work out what equipment is being used, say for example you do 30 calls, and of those 30 your second appliance does maybe 5 calls, then realyl its not being use dis it.

Just remember, these questions are what will be asked of you when you go and argue the point.

Would a tanker be a better option for your brigade ?


well buddy post ya stats up so we can see...pretty much my point of view from outside not knowing bugger all bout ya brigade or ya response area or call out rates..ya pretty lucky to have a 2 truck station for rural response and if the call numbers arent there i guess its what the powers to be look at.. Has their been any mention of your 24 being replaced with a QRV?


Quote "The term Rural Area has several definitions, however, in the context of CFS coverage area, can be defined as large areas of a country, outside a township boundary, often with low population, and may include areas of grasslands, bushland and crops".

Based on this 3 of the first 8 brigades I checked were rural all with 2 or more vehicles, this puts allot of brigades in the same position.


So where is your truck destined to go?


Um is there something a little bit a miss. I can understand that some poeple don't want the paid staff to know who they are but lets not go to far with guessing what we are talking about.

My weje board tells me you in the south east and that you on the limestone coast but other than that the puzzle continues. So lighten up with a bit of details or point us in the right dirrection rather than leave us in the the dark.
keep it simple for sanity skes please


No secret, the powers to be know about it now, it was on the channel 10 news today. As mentioned Range / Hope Forest, as the name suggests they have already merged two brigades in to one.


So this is what i understand this to be...

RHF have two trucks a 34 and a 24 and have been told by whoever that there 24 is going to be relocated to another brigade for whichever reasons that im sure have been given to the brigade.

RHF have rightfully kicked up and opposed the actions to try and keep two trucks to service there community.

Other than that i don see any problems unless more info is provided to the forum so until than i guess we will all sit back and have our own thoughts.


To sum up the last few posts, your unlikely to get to much sympathy from the forums without justification. Thats not to say your response is over the top.... but there needs to be some reason included.

The following questions have been put out to help gain a better perspective:

1. What were the reasons given for the relocation of the appliance?
2. How many calls have both trucks attended at the same time? (~5 year avg)
3. How many calls have occured while the first appliance is already allocated to another job? (~5 year avg)
4. Has an alternative resource allocation been offered (eg. QRV) or a straight reduction to a single appliance station?

Taking a bit of the passion you are showing for your brigade and combining it with good data will go a long long way.


and: what does the SFEC say for your brigade? (I know it's out of date etc but is a starting point at least)


Quote from: Darius on March 09, 2010, 08:47:50 AM
and: what does the SFEC say for your brigade? (I know it's out of date etc but is a starting point at least)

Good point already on it, yes in the most basic form we do come under the single appliance guidelines however under section 2.4 "RURAL BRIGADE TYPE DESCRIPTION" there are exemptions and provisions for additional appliances may be provided if no mains water is available and or terrain ,rural threat or activity levels all theses apply.

Terrain - the elevations of 150m+ < 1000m
Rural Threat - Due to high levels of intensive Ag major tractor movements, slashers, gas guns.
Activity levels - as the suburbs move south - hoon driving has caused fire and increased threat of accident.

Also note the SFEC for Rural/Urban also states the Standard Appliance requirement of 1 (ONE)appliance.


So what reasons has the Regional Commander given for all of a sudden taking a truck away ? What discussion if any has happened between region,group and brigade ?

I was also under the impression that you had a second truck for use at South Coast training centre ?


I'd say that as rural brigade your damn lucky to have 2 appliances, I know of an rural\urban brigade who is also one of the groups strike team brigades, cover 3 townships (4 if you count a neighbouring brigade who aren't BA with a 14) & they only have a single appliance so when it goes on strike team there are 4 towns with no cover.


The official response is "The Brigade meets standards for a 1 appliance station, and it will (the 24 appliance) be more valueable in a higher fire risk area" Lets see where this is.

Yes it was used by the Southern Training Centre - however remained badged RHF 24 NOT Southern Training Center, it was part of the condition of the two brigades accepting the agreement to merge.

If what you say is correct then the CFS has additional work to do - why isn't this brigade or their community saying any thing about it. 

Futher more our 34 is often part of a Strike team at times its away when we have fires in our area - lucky for us we have a crew and the 24 to fill this situation.

Alan J

G'day Ranger

Document, document, document.
Including agreements made by CFS on amalgamation.

Forward same to CFSVA for inclusion in log of grievances to the minister
(whoever that may be in a fortnight).  When you get down to tin tacks,
you are losing your second appliance because there is no money to buy
one for the brigade which is getting yours.
Alan J.
Cherry Gdns CFS

Data isn't information.  Information isn't knowledge. 
Knowledge isn't wisdom.


Yeah - your thoughts are being carried out as I type, however the comment

"When you get down to tin tacks, you are losing your second appliance because there is no money to buy one for the brigade which is getting yours."

Is possibly the actual reason however the reasons we have heard - its 1/ Deployment in a higher fire risk area or 2/ Added to the pool for a replacement vehicle.

You input is greatly appreciated, thanks :-)


OF 68 call outs in the last 5 years RHF 24 has been responded 23 times, more importantly in the last 2 years we have had 14 call outs for fires of witch RHF 24 responded to 9 that over 60% of the time.  It also shows the need for increased protection as in some cases this is due to RHF 34 being tasked elsewhere.


The truck gets used on average 4 times a year. You have a new 34, and a new station. I'd suggest you're pretty well off.

I would wholeheartedly agree that the 24 is of more use somewhere else, not to mention that I don't believe SACFS Brigades with such a low callout rate should see brand new Appliances. Nothing wrong with a refurb! (But hey, this isn't really about SACFS appliance replacement "Strategy")
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...