SACFS Service Medals

Started by tft, October 20, 2009, 08:33:41 AM

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Have a listen to some of you lot, like a pack of little teenage girls.

So you dedicate 10+ years to something which is a big call as it impacts on your work, family and social life especially if you're in a busy brigade.

So the CFS decide to show a bit of appreciation, what a nice thing to do. I'd place a bet all you on here that are having a cry will still be lining up at your stations to receive it!

Man up and get on with the job!


Quote from: Pipster on December 12, 2009, 08:37:12 PM
The international year of the volunteer medal is now to be worn on the left.  

When originally issued, it was to be worn on the right.  

There was some process it went through, (that I can't remember exactly what) and it meant that it was then to be work on the left.


Hey Pip,
I would be really interested to see what process this was... Under the Australian Awards and Honours, the IYV medal is still not a listed medal under the "THE ORDER OF WEARING AUSTRALIAN HONOURS AND AWARDS" at - listed in "order of wearing"....

I think many people simply wore it on the left out of ignorance or decided that they wanted it mounted with other medals (National medal etc)..

Happy to learn and see what happened at the commonwealth to change this to a listed medal and where it is listed...

As for a CFS medal, whilst no longer a member, I personally think its a great reward and recognition tool, however should not be the only one. It should be used as a milestone tool to recognise service, however the other good stuff done by volunteers should be recognised and acknowledged in many other ways, including on the spot verbal acknowledgement by peers and ranking staff..

Just my 2c....



Quote from: crashndash on December 12, 2009, 03:17:49 PM
but seriously......thats most likely cos its not a real medal....not part of the Australian Honours and Awards Scheme.

More like the Year of the Volunteer medals everyone got a cpl years ago....

Ribbon bars were issued with the IYV medal and the info on wearing the new CFS medal talks about a ribbon bar for the CFS medal so not sure why they weren't issued with the medal???


apologies then....the world is truly dumb ......


Hi there

QuoteSo you dedicate 10+ years to something which is a big call as it impacts on your work, family and social life especially if you're in a busy brigade.

So the CFS decide to show a bit of appreciation, what a nice thing to do. I'd place a bet all you on here that are having a cry will still be lining up at your stations to receive it!

We had several members - including myself which were presented with medals on Australia Day (Euan made the trip up North to present them)

I have been a CFS members for 25 plus years and one of our long term members received a 60 year award - all I have to say is well done to those whom deserve it.

Wayne Ellard


A fair few volunteers are still waiting for their medals  :-)
Kalangadoo Brigade


Quote from: Robert-Robert34 on February 07, 2010, 01:04:38 PM
A fair few volunteers are still waiting for their medals  :-)

They have all been distributed from State (over 8000 of them) so best those missing them start talking to Region/Group/Captain