cost of fuel

Started by rescue5271, September 07, 2005, 06:19:02 AM

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Quote from: firetruck on September 12, 2005, 08:04:30 PM
because honestly who's car actually costs them 52cents per kilometer to run??)
Actually, that figure is the average of how much it costs are car to run... Once you pay for petrol, servicing (Every 6 months) plus changing tires, and the big repair job every so often, it equates to about that... I believe if you ring the RAA they can give you the estimated cost for your make/model/age of car. (It's a surprise)


Quote from: rescue5271 on September 12, 2005, 04:10:01 PM
As you can see we all have different views on this and its good to see,as for the point of other services like meals on wheels well down here they get paid for there fuel but also have access to goverment cars to do the job. I have also upset someone up the ladder as i was asked why did ya start a topic like this??? Well may be I feel its time that someone look into what other groups/brigades pay members to attend meetings with fuel and if I have upset someone WELL THIS IS MY VIEW AND MY VIEW ONLY so get of my case...

mmmmmmmm that feels better.

Bill, who ever the person "up the chain" is, tell them to GET  Or, tell the User to PM me, and I will do it for you.  You have EVERY right to voice your own opinion, and to the person who is using this forum to spy / observe / gather intel, go blow it out!  People have every right to voice their own opinion on an open FORUM !

Sorry admin/Mods, but I believe that needed to be said, especially if members are feeling the pressure for voicing their own opinion !


Hey strikeathird, understand that you feel very strongly about the thought of forum contributors being censured for their opinions but please respect the language rules of the forum :-)

There's a difference between genius and stupidity -- genius has it's limits.


Quote from: firetruck on September 12, 2005, 08:04:30 PM
personally i cant erven believe the topic ws raised here...

Is this because you disagree with it :-)

I disagree with a large amount of posts on this and other forums but I'm glad they're raised and respect the views of the posters!

Although I'm sure all of us are in the service as a serious commitment to community safety, some also get a lot of enjoyment and recreation out of it and view it as a hobby and mightn't mind being out of pocket for the experience. I don't disrespect anyone who feels that they shouldn't have to be out of pocket as well as out of time, peace of mind, family harmony etc :-)
There's a difference between genius and stupidity -- genius has it's limits.


yes because i disagree with it and thinks its a strange idea that we all know will never be adopted by CFS


There are a lot of strange ideas that will never be adpoted by CFS raised in these forums :-) Like proper urban appliances :-)

Gotta keep trying :-)
There's a difference between genius and stupidity -- genius has it's limits.


I didn't think that a single letter followed by * (asterix's) was considered coarse language...


Its been there for over a fortnight... No one complained.....

Ahh well.


Just trying to comply with the reasonable request of the List Administrator as per the previous post quoted below:

Hi All - We hope you are continuing to enjoy the safirefighter forums. As always there are new things being planned and tested, more news soon.

One thing we would like to remind you about is swearing, we want to be a friendly and safe place for all to visit. It is forbidden to use swearing on the forum. This includes using other characters in the word such as "w*rd"
Any further circumvention of our blocked word list or deliberate swearing may result in your account being suspended or removed.

Thanks for understanding this policy!

There's a difference between genius and stupidity -- genius has it's limits.


Alan J

There is one key difference between what we do as volunteers in SES/CFS/SLSA & most other areas of volunteering in SA.  Everyone is paying for the service we provide.  Directly, via the ESL. 

It's just that the volunteers pay three times while the rest of the community only pays once.  We pay our ESL, plus we pay whatever it costs to be an active member, plus many of us pay in lost income while actually providing the service we are paying for. (a bit like paying a mechanic while fixing the car yourself.)

The very least the state could do is waive active members' ESL (active as defined in the CFS Regs).

Meeting the out-of-pocket costs of membership would be better.  I suggest that the costs incurred by a member of a busy urban brigade would be quite similar to a less busy rural or rural/urban brigade.  200 responses at 2km return is just as far as 20km return for 20 responses. 

If the ESL has to be lifted to do so, so be it.  WA recently lifted its ESL rate & made no apology for doing so.  Simply pointed out that it costs money to provide the services, and that costs have risen.
Actually, I think the ESL needs increasing anyway so that CFS can catch up on station & appliance replacement.  But that's a whole 'nuther thread.

Alan J.
Cherry Gdns CFS

Data isn't information.  Information isn't knowledge. 
Knowledge isn't wisdom.

Alan J

there's a comment in today's 'Tiser that Meals on Wheels pay their volunteer delivery people a petrol allowance, and that they are about to increase it to cover increased fuel prices. Doesn't make their deliverers any less 'volunteers' for having some of their costs met.
FACS / FAYS also pay their volunteers costs.  Doesn't make them any less 'volunteers' either.

There was a big conflab in NSW a few years ago about volunteering. One of the things which came out of it was a "Volunteer Charter", an article of which was that volunteer organisations should meet the reasonable out-of-pocket costs of their volunteers.  That big gathering didn't seem to think that meeting costs makes members any less 'volunteers' either.
So I think the claim that having our costs reimbursed would undermine our volunteer ethic is a Furphy.
Alan J.
Cherry Gdns CFS

Data isn't information.  Information isn't knowledge. 
Knowledge isn't wisdom.


While waiving the ESL for volunteers has its merits, I believe it would cause more problems than it would solve.  It is also a heck of a lot of money which no longer goes to support the services.

Wagon 1

I try to look at it tis way, I don't spend every weekend cooking BBQ's or rattling tins at the shopping centre like I used to before ESL, so what the hey! More time at home.

Also, has there really been that many complaints from members of the ESO's? I haven't heard many.