Blue vs. Green shirts under turn-out gear

Started by BundyBear, January 16, 2010, 01:57:08 PM

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Wearing blue would not make us look like the MFS. Some people seem to think that green is the go so we don't look anything like the MFS. Wearing green makes us look like paramedics/ medical services which wear green around the world and I'm guessing will return to green here in South Australia in the near future.

Look globally fire services wear blue and the uniform would clearly have CFS marked on it.


Quote from: BundyBear on March 11, 2010, 09:47:21 PM
Wearing blue would not make us look like the MFS. Some people seem to think that green is the go so we don't look anything like the MFS. Wearing green makes us look like paramedics/ medical services which wear green around the world and I'm guessing will return to green here in South Australia in the near future.

Look globally fire services wear blue and the uniform would clearly have CFS marked on it.

The Green is different i have compared my SAAS uniform to the CFS hat and its a different green. But at the end of the day does it matter what the colour is we know who we are and we ride around on big white trucks! just a slight difference to the MFS trucks, and nobody cares who comes when they call as long as they ger some one who can do the job.

SES have blue shirts they are clearly marked as SES Search and Rescue. No matter what we get it will be clearly labeled with CFS. SAAS have SA AMBULANCE written accros the back and funny enough they get out of mercs so we wont look liek them.

why is the colour of a shirt so important, at the end of the day it can only be worn for operation duties and most of them involve the rest of our turn out gear again making it quite obvious that we are CFS.

Thisis my opinion and i dont care what shirt i have on i know who i am and what i do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   


98% of the time we get on the truck, the only other people we see is fellow CFS members, at staging area, meal time or on the fire ground. I think as long as you brigade wear the same it works, you don't look like dad's army.

Yes have the star(because it stand for something)and logo if you want, as said there is no missing our trucks.

We went blue with yellow because its off the shelf, 100% cotton and low cost.

As this discussion shows by the time we decide what the majority want(others will want different), get the CFS to give it the tick, then to actually get them. Our current shirts will be dress up cloths for kids or rags and the next lot will be worn out.

P.S. I have seen some brigades at meal breaks all wearing the same shirts, their crews do stand out.