Time for action

Started by Crankster 34, January 14, 2010, 03:33:43 PM

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country hour....well, theres mass media at its brilliant best


FROM adelaidenow.com.au

VOLUNTEER emergency service workers want a bigger share of the government levy charged to fund their efforts, warning they are losing recruits because of funding gaps.

The CFS Volunteers Association says it "urgently requires" $20 million to train recruits, replace equipment and set up computer systems.

Association executive director Wendy Shirley said the cost had been underestimated when the Emergency Services Levy was introduced a decade ago.

"We have been working from a low base and trying to play catch up ever since," she said. Ms Shirley said the levy had been reduced recently while CFS funding bids had been rejected. The SES Volunteers Association is also concerned it does not receive enough funds.

Emergency Services Minister Michael Wright said the levy was reviewed annually and, despite a decrease in 2008-09, the total amount spent on emergency services rose by about $9.4 million. He said the Government now spent an extra $17.9 million on the CFS, compared to 2002. The average household pays a levy of about $90 per year.

The Government expects to spend $216.3 million on emergency services this financial year.

The MFS will take the largest share (45.2 per cent) followed by the CFS (26.7 per cent) and the SES (5.7 per cent) while the SA Fire and Emergency Services Commission, an administrative arm, receives 5.9 per cent, up from about 0.3 per cent in 2002-03.

Family First MLC Robert Brokenshire said too much was being spent on administration while the share for volunteers remained "stagnant". "The levy's not raising enough money and where there has been an increase it has been going into bureaucracy," he said.


Good stuff...things seem to be happening at a much better rate now...the steam doesnt get let to dissipate for once..


Woooops... and its already fallen off of the 'top stories'.


Quote from: Alex on January 25, 2010, 06:53:52 AM
Woooops... and its already fallen off of the 'top stories'.

yeah...posted at midnight...coinsidence? lol


Quote from: Bagyassfirey on January 25, 2010, 06:32:15 AM
of about $90 per year.

The MFS will take the largest share (45.2 per cent) followed by the CFS (26.7 per cent) and the SES (5.7 per cent) while the SA Fire and Emergency Services Commission, an administrative arm, receives 5.9 per cent, up from about 0.3 per cent in 2002-03.

anyone else noticed the math here? Those percentages add up to 83.5%. So somewhere there is 16.5% (or 61% of the CFS operating budget) going elsewhere. Yes we know the Volunteer Coastguard and Surf Lifesaving get money as well.....but 13.5%??....one would hope not.


Some goes to SAPol & I think the Rescue Helicopter services......but the Government keeps that fairly quiet...

Some also goes to "administration" of the ESL - I think that was worth a few percent of the total collected.... ?

There are three types of people in the world.  Those that watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who wonder what happened.

Alan J

Oh Dear....
On the face of that article, it would seem the minister still doesn't "get it".
Resorting to the "we spent more than the other mob so it must be alright" line
usually means "you've had your say, now go away".

That extra $17M since 2002 includes Aircrane & GRN terminal replacement,
additional GRN usage charges (which go back into general revenue) & shared
services charges (which also go back into general revenue).

Actual Group & Brigade budgets have been chopped, while the cost of everything
we need & do has risen.

Not happy with the published response at all.
Alan J.
Cherry Gdns CFS

Data isn't information.  Information isn't knowledge. 
Knowledge isn't wisdom.


Find some very old equipment that are still on appliances, and chuck them on his desk.  "Replace these, cos we cant".


surely this issue is not about stowage.....If brigade budgets can't replace stowage then we are in big trouble!!!!!!!

I see the issue as capital budget for station builds, station repair and maintenance, better trucks, many many more operational staff that have operational Incident management responsibility and a huge HUGE increase to funding for training.

I find it a crazy situation where minimum standards of fire cover have become the maximums and therefore the limit for training. CRAZY. The community would be scared if they really knew how limited some brigades are especially during the day. Appropriate funding for training would help brigades recruit day crews and ensure more are trained in BA, RCR, HAZMAT, CFBT etc. We might even see a proper advanced suppress urban fire course.

Health issues aside, Does it seems crazy to anyone that all recruits to CFS are not BA trained? We are a fire service aren't we?? Recruits should do BFF1 and BA as a minimum.

State government treats CFS like a joke. They are happy to put adds on TV to warn the public to clean their yard but how about providing appropriate funding to the service that has to deal with the emergencies.

I'm also fed up watching skilled people trying to do courses such as AIIMS and have been waiting years! This is a ridiculous situation. How long do committed long term volunteers need to wait. If CFS don't provide training, govt please don't complain when indidents aren't managed as well as you would have liked.

Ok that's better spleen all vented......


Quote from: crashndash on January 18, 2010, 11:45:18 PM
january will pass....and nought will happen....

so with only a few days to go, I'm betting the above will be the status quo

Pitching to the public for computer systems Wendy (and the rest of the CFSVA) isnt going to win public hearts and minds....they dont care. Tell them we'll have to walk to a fire....that might help.

Alan's rebuttal is first class...... if you want to win the media war, then u need to be able to refute the Government spin quickly and accurately. Sadly it appears our paid for CFSVA staff struggle to find the means to do this

My vote....Alan for CFSVA Pres


CFSVA calls for better

funding for CFS

You have probably heard that the CFSVA has sent out a survey form to all sitting MPs and to candidates for the next state election to be held in March. The purpose of the survey form is to educate MPs and candidates about the chronic funding issues facing CFS and to gain their commitment for support. It was sent out in mid December and gained considerable media attention at that time.

On Tuesday January 12, the Advertiser ran a story highlighting the issues and getting quotes from a number of volunteers around the state. Extensive radio, television and some regional press coverage was also given. The Minister for Emergency Services, the Hon Michael Wright, was given the opportunity to respond via the media. His response was quite measured, and he said he would be considering the issues and talking to the Association. However, he did give the impression that he considered the issues to be only of importance to the CFSVA and not necessarily coming from the wider membership of CFS volunteers.

A number of volunteers in the Adelaide Hills then decided to impress upon the Minister that this was not the case, and that the Association has the full support and backing of the operational side of CFS.

Three trucks and 12 volunteers went down to the Minister's office on North Tce to deliver the message that the government had better start talking to the CFSVA on these issues or wider action would be taken.

Consequently over the past two days, two meetings have been held with the Minister – one with 3 brigade and group officers from right across the state, and one with the CFSVA. The Association hopes that the Minister will strongly consider what he and the Labor Government can do to relieve the chronic funding shortfall that is making it harder for CFS volunteers to be volunteers.

We hope to also gain a commitment from the Liberal Party on these issues also, and will have a meeting with the Shadow Minister, Mr Mark Goldsworthy On Thursday January 28.

What is the CFSVA asking for?

The Association is seeking better funding to CFS in a number of areas including training, equipment and technology, building replacement and maintenance and an increase in CFS staffing to support volunteers. There are also a number of issues that don't require extra funds such as the 25 kph past red and blue flashing lights and further exemptions under the driver fatigue legislation.
You can read the survey form in the News section of the website on the right hand side of this page under "CFS Questionnaire".

Click here to view a more detailed paper.

The CFSVA is holding a series of meetings around the state to discuss these issues with CFS volunteers:

State General Meeting Tuesday February 2, Regency Park at 10am
Mt Lofty Branch meeting Tuesday February 2 Region 1 HQ, Mt Barker at 7.30pm
SE Branch meeting Wednesday February 3 Naracoorte Station 7.30pm
Mt Gambier Emergency Services Centre Thursday February 4 7.30pm
Murraylands Branch meeting Friday February 5 Swanport Group Base Murray Bridge at 7.30pm
Northern Branch meeting Tuesday February 9 Gladstone RSL at 7.30pm
Lower North Branch meeting Thursday February 11 Roseworthy College at 7.30pm
Cummins Station Tuesday January 28 at 8pm. Rudall Community Sporting Club Wednesday February 24 at 7.30pm

Other meeting dates to be advised.


The above is a copy and paste from here - http://www.cfsva.org.au/

Good to see!!!!!!!!


finally a set of meetings better than the AGM!


Keep pushing, that's what it's all about, I know my brigade will be drafting a letter to support this case to our local MP, so I urge others to follow suit, so that Mr Wright can't brush it under the table.

I also agree with Firefrog, it would be scary if the public really knew how poorly trained we are. I can have a crew during the day where the only BA are the OIC and driver, the rest simply can't get on a course because we are at our minimum, which we get told is our fault for training the wrong people, but we were told about 4 years ago to go to our maximum, so EVERYONE that wanted to got on a course!! It's insane things like that which we have to deal with as with such a shortage of funding it's a struggle to get the minimum SFEC's met....Joe Public should be concerned !! We want to do it right, we could do it right, be we aren't ALLOWED to do it right.


I am so going to the 4th of february meeting in Mount Gambier if its open to all volunteer firies from all groups  :-)
Kalangadoo Brigade


Quote from: Robert-Robert34 on January 25, 2010, 02:26:03 PM
I am so going to the 4th of february meeting in Mount Gambier if its open to all volunteer firies from all groups  :-)

According to wendy they want representation from all brigades!  :wink:


bwahahahah.....3 trucks and 12 people....bet he was shaking in his boots..lol. But I take it back, obviously the struggle is in well in hand

3 Brigade and Group Officers from right across the state.....errr right

Finally, CFSVA, telling us via your website is fine....in fact its good and a pleasant change......but ffs tell the public - they will convince the Government to change...we wont


QuoteAccording to wendy they want representation from all brigades! 

Woo hoo i am so going next thursday night the more volunteers there the better our chances are of getting the issues raised  :-D
Kalangadoo Brigade

Alan J

Thanks Baggyassfirey.
First I've heard from CFSVA.  Methinks someone there really needs to review
their information dissemination methods.

Quote from: crashndash on January 25, 2010, 12:03:43 PM
Tell them we'll have to walk to a fire....that might help.

I like Rainer's idea better.
Announce in about April that the Group has run out of money.

Quote from: crashndash on January 25, 2010, 12:03:43 PM
Alan's rebuttal is first class...... if you want to win the media war, then u need to be able to refute the Government spin quickly and accurately. Sadly it appears our paid for CFSVA staff struggle to find the means to do this

My vote....Alan for CFSVA Pres

get knotted! people in those positions have to be able to negotiate with
people who don't give a stuff. "be it on your own head" is as near as I get.

Besides which, these sorts of stoushes need a good cop / bad cop tag team.
Good cop is the CFSVA. Good cop behaves nicely & gets the credit for any
'wins'. Bad cop is... any volunteers who have had a gutful of half measures &
half funding & want to make life less rosy for North Tce.  ;-)

Now... who has elderly 24's & 34's that need exercising (or was that excising)...
Alan J.
Cherry Gdns CFS

Data isn't information.  Information isn't knowledge. 
Knowledge isn't wisdom.


ok,....as you wish

Vote 1....Alan for Bad Cop  :evil:

Alan J

Attended the R1 CFSVA meeting tonight.
Well worth the trouble. There was a fair bit of normal business to transact, but
the funding issue is the biggie for the moment & for the forseeable future.

Can't print too much here. Strategies & plans.  Details will be sent to groups &
brigades over the next week or so.  Key thing is influencing the Budget submissions
in may. If that means influencing election platforms in March, so be it.
We need at least an extra $20M/year out of Govt, just to maintain or meet the
absolute minimum standards in our SFECs.  We need quite a lot more than that
to support training & equipment at a level for us to do our job properly.

The important thing is that brigade members join in the CFSVA campaign, rather
than just whinging amongst ourselves.
Alan J.
Cherry Gdns CFS

Data isn't information.  Information isn't knowledge. 
Knowledge isn't wisdom.

Alan J

CFSVA & Ministerial announcement attached

Here's a start anyway.
Have to ensure pressure is maintained so that the govt (whoever might be in power) doesn't "forget".

----- Original Message -----
From: Wendy Shirley
Sent: Monday, February 08, 2010 12:20 PM
Subject: Fw: Hon Michael Wright

Hi Everyone

Minister Wright has just made an announcement regarding funding to CFS. I attach the press release for your information. The announcement covers pagers, computers and internet connections, station builds and maintenance, 25 kph, driver fatigue exemptions and free entry to national parks for volunteers. There is also a commitment to AVL when SACAD comes in.

The CFSVA is very pleased with the announcement, which we see as a good start. We particularly welcome the proposed study into the future resourcing needs of CFS. Whilst this announcement does not include any extra funding for training or staffing to support volunteers, such a study will certainly highlight those needs. It should be noted that only around $4million will be immediate and the rest staged.

We will be meeting with the Minister during the week to discuss amongst other things, the breakdown in funding allocations between SES and CFS, the numbers of computers (which look a bit strange) and the study. We will continue to work with CFS and the SAFECOM Board in ensuring the best possible use of these funds and future funding allocations.

The Association is pleased that the action we took has resulted in this positive good start. We thank the volunteers who got behind the campaign, and in particular volunteers from Mawson, Sturt and Mt Lofty Groups who took action to impress upon the Minister that the claims the CFSVA were making had the backing of the wider operational members of the CFS. We also thank Mike Pearce (Sturt), Phil Richards (Wattle Range) and Bryan Trigg (Eastern Eyre) for meeting with the Minister to push home the same message.

It goes to show that if we are united as a volunteer membership we can get results.

This announcement was made on the one year anniversary of the Black Saturday fires in Victoria, and I am sure we all are thinking about the people who suffered from the events of that day. The Minister has made these announcements as part of a range of initiatives to ensure that we avoid (as far as is humanly possible) a similar tragedy in South Australia.

There will be coverage of the CFSVA response to this announcement on ABC News tonight. This email can be forwarded on to volunteers on your email lists


Wendy Shirley
Executive Director, CFSVA

Alan J.
Cherry Gdns CFS

Data isn't information.  Information isn't knowledge. 
Knowledge isn't wisdom.

Alan (Big Al)

do our grn pager actually cost nearly $300 each or is that typo??
Lt. Goolwa CFS


Quote from: Alan (Big Al) on February 07, 2010, 04:17:08 PM
do our grn pager actually cost nearly $300 each or is that typo??

Great to hear, but sucks to hear about Training and Staffing being left alone..