Did you ever think maybe said brigade isn't needed, and only does 400 something stop calls from MFS, what a frustrating station to be involved with...."321 from SO BLAH BLAH INC 69, K66, CFS not required"..........I was also impressed with "I live 8 mins away in Elizabeth Park so I RACE to the station"...............
Also I think this gloss is kind of a media spin, the urban CFS brigades have always recruited fairly well, still doesn't help these stations in the country areas that are struggling big time....gotta love a media spin.
Pretty sure the article was about how many they have recruited, not how many stop calls salisbury get........most urban brigades go to 99% crap, but these are the brigades that make up the strike teams, without them CFS is in strife....
Good to see most of you lot have no idea what you're talking about quoting what urban fringe brigades go to and not. Having been at 2 urban fringe brigades over the years and a rural brigade. When urban fringe brigades get stop calls it is due to the first arriving appliance not requiring any additional assistance so they are generally not just stopping CFS but MFS as well and a lot of the time CFS has been responded as rescue and no extraction is required. Don't you put stop's through in the country when neighbouring bridages are not required?
Plus these urban fringe brigades back up MFS for EMA and COQ and respond into other CFS group area's assisting them and a lot of the time arrive to those incidents quicker as they can get out of their station quicker.
Also as stated they generally get strike teams together quicker and usually can supply 1 or 2 fire fighters after that fact for composite strike teams.
As for the arguement why is Salisbury still there in between two MFS stations you could argue that about a lot of urban fringe CFS stations. Why are there MFS retained stations in areas that do less calls than these stated urban fringe brigades? Why do we have CFS brigades that are lucky to do 50-60 calls a year not far from bridages that do 200+ that could just absorb there responsibillty with the same response time?