New station at Port Adelaide

Started by Hazmat206, December 24, 2009, 04:46:25 PM

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Anyone have photos of the new station at Port Adelaide?
It houses 4 emergency ambulances, 2 sprint cars and 2 non-emergency ambulances
206 to Adelaide fire,Incident #59,situation found 440, action taken 41,K45, over


 would that be the one that had 15 hazard notices whacked on it in the first week it was operaional??    :lol:


The one in the woolshed, correct :-P
206 to Adelaide fire,Incident #59,situation found 440, action taken 41,K45, over


the one that causes blackouts in Roxby Downs when all the air-con units fire up at the same time despite there being a massive amount of roofspace for Solar Panels??


Spotted today.  Front and rear shots.


yes thats the one...the one with the roller door onto the street - and no warning anywhere that it is in fact an ambulance the pedestrian (and his jocks!) who was within 2 inches of becoming a statistic a week and a half ago -  can soundly attest to!

Why is it that every new fire station can get a great big set of FARKOFF warning signals out the front -  yet a new ambulance station isn't even identified as such??


Is that a permenant station, if so, I wouldn't have looked twice, as you say it looks nothing like an ambulance station, you would expect a semi trailer to come out not an ambulance on the bell.

More warning signs required...


Perhaps its the new home of SOT, they are stealth ninja paramedics aren't they?

Something about that building reminds me of a NYC fire house.
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i have a friend who works out of port. she says its allright but there are a few teething isuses. i did a tour of the new SOT and MEDSTAR base last year looks good will be better when the base is moved next to the chopers.


Looks a lot better then the one they had before.. on a corner at a roundabout!
but yes it needs something to say what it is!