No Crash - modern people management! Set expectations e.g. Code of Conduct,train people in those expectations - induction, monitor & if an individual behaves in a manner which is in breach of those expectations. ask the question why? Do they understand what is expected? Then in consultation with the individual develop a plan to prevent re-occurance e.g re-training, coaching, mentoring etc. Second breach - formal warning documented, then if there is a third? Show due cause! That is not the military way - I can speak from 12 years experience
(extra duties, charges, confine to barracks etc). So why is the code a crock? Other organisations have rules that must be followed (we even have the thall shall not consume other companies beers at offical functions!) So if the code is scheiße, maybe because its never enforced - don't want to upset the vollies or people don't know how to! Point is most people actually like to know what is expected, where the boundries are & if there are breaches then people are treated fairly, equitably, transparently & consistantly. Finally yep I tend to share the good stuff I've learn't or have seen. It's about learning & growing - not sticking our heads in the sand or up our collectives arses