Election Time

Started by tft, December 16, 2009, 12:27:26 PM

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Well it's election time soon.
What are we going to get this time.
Normally around February we get a few things promised.



A truck in every driveway and an errikson in every neighbourhood...


whos sick of hearing about this wonderful thing they call SACAD??

:? :? :? :? :? :? :? :?
Phillip H
Salisbury CFS (Para Group)


Heard Wendy from the CFSVA on 891 the other morning, discussing things such as lack of funding over all, inadequate money for training and lack of staff to do this, and a general feeling that the cfs volunteers are not being looked after properly.  They have also sent out a survey to all politicians addressing the many issues faced by the cfs.  Would love to see that and would love even more to see some of the answers assuming they don't just get filed in the basket next to the desk.

About 10 mins later the emergency services minister was on the radio telling us all how much extra the govt has spent on the emergency services, such as the big budget for aireal support, the 1m extra for appliances etc, but don't remember him actually address the training issue or staffing levels.

Would be interested to hear if anyone else heard this and has more details.

Cheers David
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smoke and mirrors

it doesn't matter what ESO you're in - if there's something that can't be seen as a tangible asset (eg: appliances or aircraft/big OTT helicopters etc)) or it can't be measured (eg: response times) then it doesn't rate as important!!


yes heard it, Wendy was good and got the point across (I think) but the radio "host" was hopeless when the minister came on and just let him trot out his usual line without getting him to address the points Wendy raised.

Here's Wendy's email that has gone out widely:

From: Wendy Shirley [mailto:wendy.shirley@cfsva.org.au]
Sent: Tuesday, 15 December 2009 10:05 AM
Subject: Survey of MPs prior to State election

Hi Everyone

The CFSVA has prepared a survey which has been sent to all State MPs. To read the survey click on the link below


The survey has been developed with the assistance of a prominent ex politician, to educate MPs on the issues facing CFS Volunteers, and to gain commitment for their support. Attached also is the letter sent to accompany the survey. The letter and survey sent to all upper house and lower house MPs. Candidates will receive the survey over the next few weeks.

The content is the result of an honest assessment of the SA Country Fire Service situation in comparison to the MFS and our like interstate counterparts. The intent is to consolidate our position as an important and integral part of the SA emergency response community by enlisting direct MP support.

The Association saw this as an opportune time given the events of this year, and the forthcoming election. It is based on the funding paper that the Association prepared earlier this year (attached)

This will be the next step of the campaign to raise awareness around the significant lack of support for CFS and CFS volunteers.To support the process, we will do a series of profiles featuring CFS volunteers who see these issues as important to brigades and CFS members, probably in early January

We also hope to send a small delegation to visit sitting MPs in marginal seats to talk face to face about these issues. (if you would like to assist in this please let me know).

This is not meant to be a political attack on the government. As we make clear, the CFS has suffered from a lack of funding from both major parties.

Nor is it meant as an attack on the MFS management, MFS firefighters or the UFU. Indeed, the MFS model represents the level of support we should be getting from the SA Government. We can no longer continue to accept the inequity in funding of the items that volunteers need to do thei job.

The survey was enthusiastically supported yesterday at COAC.

If the link does not work for you, go directly to the CFSVA website at www.cfsva.org.au and click on the headline CFSVA Questionnaire on the right hand side of the page  If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call me on 0427 823 656

Wendy Shirley
Executive Director, CFSVA


Hahaha, im nearly chocking from disbelief....  this is finally something with substance!!!   Well done CFSVA.


Thanks for the link to that Darius, it is quite a good survey, can only hope it gets some good answers. Mind you it does take some politicians into new areas eg a straight forward yes or no answer without the spin  :evil: 
Well done to Wendy and the CFSVA
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Well done to the CFSVA for taking a stance and admitting to all that the CFS is simply not being looked after and not going anywhere.

Helicopters can't do everything !!


if CFSVA's recieves nothing or "declines"...its pretty safe to say, they know somethings wrong with the CFS.


Quote from: Darren on December 21, 2009, 07:27:20 AM

Helicopters can't do everything !!

EASE UP TURBO!......haven't you heard of the skycrane, if the BFG had his way he would have one as well! :wink:
Just Another Filtered Fireman


Quote from: Darren on December 21, 2009, 07:27:20 AM

Helicopters can't do everything !!

but for everything else......charge up the Government Mastercard and get some time with the big DC10 and 45,000 litres.....at the cost of a small country per hour :)

If we stopped buying new PPE and trucks we could afford more helicopter time.....hmm....might send a suggestion to the Chiefs......i mean we're supposed to come up with cost saving suggestions arent we?


Quote from: crashndash on December 21, 2009, 10:01:57 PM
Quote from: Darren on December 21, 2009, 07:27:20 AM

Helicopters can't do everything !!

but for everything else......charge up the Government Mastercard and get some time with the big DC10 and 45,000 litres.....at the cost of a small country per hour :)

If we stopped buying new PPE and trucks we could afford more helicopter time.....hmm....might send a suggestion to the Chiefs......i mean we're supposed to come up with cost saving suggestions arent we?

NOW your getting the hang of it! :wink:
Just Another Filtered Fireman


Remember all that carry on in the sunday mail?? well seems to me this is the same topic over and over again..

Fact is that our operational budget (ie the money we get every year to equip and maintain our group appliances stns etc) is less than one thenth of the CFS overall budget and that hasnt changed.

The only things we have gotten extra money for is stuff that has been shoved down our throats by the govt eg aircranes and PBi etc etc ..