Not Happy?

Started by jaff, June 18, 2009, 10:33:42 AM

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Quote from: bittenyakka on June 21, 2009, 07:12:33 PM
Jaff, I agree that volunteers need to look beyond their own little patch but I do want to know how united/ state wide some things need to be?
I have hears some great plans of standardising a whole heap of stuff in Pt Linclon but strongly disagree with that those ideas for my applications in R1.

Even though we all fight fires, the differences in both risks and attitudes about going about those risks changes all over the state. For example at a recent meeting it was mentioned that in the rural areas along the riverland 20 min for a truck to arrive was acceptable. It is still a response. But in the urban fringe it is viewed as highly unacceptable some brigade like to maintain  <4 minute. A state wide plan doesn't work. We still need to recognise that there are differences that must be accommodated.

Yes, agreed there are differences and they will always be there!
My poorly worded point was, that as a state we need to listen too what everyone has to say and act with the "big picture" in mind not just be focused on your own patch/region.
You are right, across the state there are poles apart firefighting standards/practices and that is where the problem is, NOT that, we don't do it that way so it must be wrong, but the volunteers don't for the most part empathise with the problems of other regions because they don't suffer from them. So not only are we divided by distance but also divided by attitudes and as long as this division remains, a unity across the state that we can use to put pressure on authorities will be elusive!
Just Another Filtered Fireman

SA Firey

It is this "unity" that will eventually benefit the whole CFS, because all groups and brigades will be treated equal and attitudes aside it is all about training, buildings, equipment and maintaining our skills as a professional service with the response to back it up.
Images are copyright


From memory 20 minutes wasn't exactly acceptable, just common! There are common themes across the state, however some brigades may not like the solutions.
Skills maintenance, equipment, buildings & training should be at a standard across the state based on risk & locations. But along with that must be an minimum standard for brigade/unit training, responses etc & there must be accountability!
I think that may be a bone of contention.
just another retard!


So the Mt Barker Paint fire has brought out the usual complaints, will people do as normal on the site, and vent and then not follow it up with our volunteer association.
Whether you believe in them or not, without complaints from us they cannot action it.
So follow it up with your brigade/group rep or flick a post to Wayne Thorley, hes a member on here.
Just Another Filtered Fireman


Well go through the volunteer association if you like the toothless tiger.
Bring back FRAG, why did it get shut down?
Simple it worked and upset lots of people. FRAG had a few good wins.
The volunteer association will never work under the way it is currently setup.