We have been talking at the station about some of the crazy things CFS staff do...yes we were there a while....and were wondering, does anyone else find it strange that CFS would rather cancel a course or run it partly empty than ring around brigades that have people champing at the bit to get on.
For example, my brigade has an SFEC for 16 BA operators, but we currently have 19, can't get a look in for a course for several years, the reason is, other brigades are low on BA operators. That's fair enough, even though I think it's stupid to have a cap on BA operators, but that's another story !
But we have had people go on courses and they have not been at full capacity, had someone go on a re-accred with 6 people on it !! Then we find ourselves in a situation where we have people about to lose BA as they can't get on a course or were unable to make it to the allotted times given.
I don't see why more reserves aren't put on courses. Does it really matter of your over your cap ?
I know people are going to say that we only have certain numbers, and that these brigades with low numbers are still missing out. But who cares, my brigade wears BA more often than not, we need those numbers to support our operation. We might have 19, but when you do the stats not to many are around during the day.
Now before you say "well its your fault for not getting your numbers right" then hang on, these people have been BA for a number of years and are on their 3rd or 4th re-accred. How do you tell them not to do BA because CFS has a rule on numbers.
That is CFS's solution, drop below 16 and we will look at it.....righto
Why can't we put names forward for last minute courses ?
Why is CFS still so intent on running 5 yearly re-accred's ?
Why can't they save themselves a bucket by having group or brigade trainers, much the same way the CFA do?
Wouldn't it be easier to run a couple courses for BA trainers to upskill, then pass on to members, you wouldn't run into the issues of people missing their re-accred dates and because STC BA department have NO flexibility they would rather see someone lose BA, then get to re-accred.
When is the CFS going to wake up to the fact that there is more to life than BUSHFIRES !!!!!!!
You constantly see pager messages for courses being cancelled due to numbers....I know we are our own worst enemy, but come on, ring around, ring another region for goodness sake....but just make sure you don't drive to far....haha
I don't know, that's my whinge, I just don't get it......it almost seems as though CFS would rather not run any courses.....and in a way, they don't have to if they change the way they do training, they LOVE to burden themselves with courses at the STC, I know its expensive place and need people to go there, but not at the expense of people missing out, thats insane!