mixed messages

Started by Baxter, October 21, 2009, 04:25:05 PM

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At training the other night we told by some members who came from suppress wildfire and BFF1 that CFS is changes some of it practices.  Can some one please confirm or deny this information as either a bit of fanciful delight from a regional office; they are

1. deployments have an honorarium attached to them

2. the content of suppress wildfire contain practices that the CFS is planing to terminate and replace with new practices once approved

3. practices used in the BFF1 are now out of date and are unsafe but are being used till approval off new practices.

4. what is a standard rural appliance not stowage as those on BFF1 and suppress were told a 14 or QAV

5. does the CFS have any maintenance and repair policy (a personal hobby horse of mine)

Any form of clarification will be much appreciated
keep it simple for sanity skes please


1. A What?
2. If anything...they want to make it more dumbass.
3. again..more dumbass.
4. again..rationalisation..14/QAV's...looks like we're gonna watch fire's now boys...no more fighting..
5. Dad's Army Appliance Maintainence Policy.


1. No
2. Suppress is currently being reviewed but no plans to change terminate any FGP's, maybe some clarifications and changes to OMG's and COSO's due to the Vic interm report (Especially in protect people).
3. Updated Version of BF1 is almost ready to release but there are no changes to FGP's which is where BF1 gets it's practices from, so not sure what you mean there.
4. a Standard Rural Appliance from what I understand would be a what ever the SFEC stated the Brigade required 14/24/34. Mind you, not sure I have ever seen a "standard" CFS appliance ever.
5. Policy is if it is an approve piece of equipment and it breaks, fix it!
A Wombat eats roots, shoots and leaves


1. Why pay some one when they are doing it for free anyway
2. In revieiw I believe as it is shame that policy and guidelines are tied to these course as reviews could happen thick and fast
3. Waiting, Waiting  :? but as zipply said dumbarse firefighting 1 I know this may sound off thread but we are slowly loosing the practical skills and replacing it by knowledge so it will be intersting to know if our future fireies know how to fight a fire
4. As wombat34 said it all depands but really the service should have a definition of what size each appliance should be used for in the world of standard non standad appliances
5. can't find one either - maybe that CFSVA should take that up rather than go for the money


Have you completed your BFF1? You should know that the maintenance schedule for Hoses/Branches/Ropes/Lines etc etc are all highlighted in
Unit 2 - "Prepare, inspect and test response equipment"

FGP's and the like are in a constant state of upheaval. If things are superseded, then so be it. As far as I know, nothing that has been superseded is currently being taught. Although it would be nice if Brigades were notified of the removal/alteration of FGP's.

A standard CFS appliance would be a CFS appliance stowed with the appropriate "Standard Stowage" for its purpose. (eg: QAV/Standard Rural - 24/34)

BFF1 deals with a standard rural appliance, so that would be a 24/34.
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


Do you mean a standard stowage or the minimum appliance response ? Last time I checked the minimum response to an incident is a 22, which kind of shoots itself in the foot, when some brigades only have 14's.


Yes Darren I mean standard rural response. As SOP 2.1 et al does not give a standard size i.e. 14 or 24 or 34 etc. not even the 2000 version of the SFEC booklet provides that detail whereas it highly detail in other areas.

Yes numbers I can read the BFF1 Unit 2 where logical usage maintenance is covered not who is able to maintenance or where the lines are between being a brigade or group or region maintenance task.

Yes  I agree that the information is slow or in some cases I believe has been sanitized for some brigades so that a part truth id said not the full truth
keep it simple for sanity skes please


Minimum response for all incident types is a 22 or greater with minimum 4 crew, and 2 BA for structural response. This covers rural incidents also.

Or greater meaning larger water capacity, basically meant to stop 12s 14s QAVs LRs from going to anything by themselves.

Can't answer any of the other questions im afraid, although i would be skeptical about any information i received from this or other forums.