Fire Bunkers/Shelters

Started by Numpty, December 29, 2009, 07:36:40 PM

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Was wondering what are everyones thoughts on fire bunkers?

SA Firey

As long as they meet the standard is a good thing, but many out there trying to make a quick buck at peoples expense :-o
Images are copyright


There is no standard thought, thats the problem...
They are not endorsed within SA and I have been led to belive that companies / businesses are going around stating that they build them to the "Standard"... Bit hard to do when no such standard exists.

7 people died in bunkers in Vic...

A bunker is generally regarded as an outbuilding and may not require approval, unless it is to be buried more than 1 metre then a Development Approval must be sought from Council.

Personally, I think if you choose to defend your well prepared home in accordance with all the usual caveats (physically / mentally fit for task, etc etc) then a bunker could be your very own 'Refuge of Last Resort' if everything else goes to crap.

But they should be the absolute LAST option and only in the example I cited above, not used as a primary or secondary strategy on your Bushfire Plan...

Just my thoughts,


Lets face it the Salvo's have been using them for years and they havent lost a can a  SPAM yet! :-D
Just Another Filtered Fireman


I would have thought that the government could have got all the leading designs together considering it's a national issue. Then have one of the government agencies test and evaluate each one and come up with the benchmark design. They then could have a list of companies that are approved to supply and install this particular bunker/shelter across the country. I guess the government does not want to go there as they would be held liable if it all went pear shaped.
