more full time fire fighters

Started by drmz, September 22, 2009, 04:15:34 PM

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i see in victoria they are seeking more full time fire fighters for the CFA,  is this going to help ? Are volunteer numbers falling in SA?


CFA has full time manned stations in various towns. these stations are typically busier ones. So the CFS recruitment is not to replace vollies as such but replace or add full time staff where necessary. 

As for Vollie numbers in SA i don't know for sure but i believe CFS is falling a bit.


Maybe we need more paid staffin the CFS like retained groupies and captains
keep it simple for sanity skes please


Quote from: malleefire on September 22, 2009, 11:02:43 PM
Maybe we need more paid staffin the CFS like retained groupies and captains

Then perhaps your looking at "Selection not Election"
Just Another Filtered Fireman


Quote from: jaff on September 23, 2009, 03:03:43 AM
Then perhaps your looking at "Selection not Election"

The fire emergency services regulations already pertain to to have a selection criteria for positions  based on what one has done. It is not a matter of what I think but a matter of can stomach by those focused at achieve the cooperate goals at the expense of the volunteer.
keep it simple for sanity skes please


Quote from: malleefire on September 22, 2009, 11:02:43 PM
Maybe we need more paid staffin the CFS like retained groupies and captains

I think we need more paid staff as the CFS ratio of paid to volunteer is very low.

Plus the idea of having paid Captain's can work I know of some CFA brigades that have one or two paid staff that do the day to day operation of the station and a lad I know did this job for a while said it worked.

Maybe even paid CFS stations (I know it will be a long way off) but the principle of having this sort of stations strategically placed in CFS areas could potentially work instead of handing the area over to MFS when the time comes. Obviously they can respond to the urban, rcr and hazmat incidents but also they would have the benefit of having the equipment and experience of rural firefighting plus the quicker response capabilty.

One dares to dream! :-D