SFEC paperwork

Started by Alan (Big Al), September 17, 2009, 02:37:17 PM

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Alan (Big Al)

Is there anyone out there that could help me find a copy of the SFEC paperwork on the interweb, our station copy has vanished and can't find it on the net, anyone out there have any idea? Cheers
Lt. Goolwa CFS


i gotta copy at home, if the year 1999 version is still..the most current, want anything particular from it?


Alan (Big Al)

Thanks guys, need the whole lot zipp.  Not quite sure what i'm looking for just yet.
Lt. Goolwa CFS

Alan (Big Al)

Bahahaha thats just sad they base their threat data on 1980's info lmao
Lt. Goolwa CFS


You got it, so out of touch with reality.


Al, from my experince in doing an upgrade, just concentrate on the appliances, in fact don't even call it an SFEC upgrade, call it change in appliance type, as they aren't doing SFEC upgrades, but they will change appliance types....strange but thats how they want to play it.


Also don't be holding your breath, Apparently Rome wasn't built in a day!.....It burnt down in one though :roll:
Just Another Filtered Fireman


Pump rescue you got it the booklets a joke and when apply for a change don't expect it.

I know of one brigade where the GO did not even read it and nearly admitted that he new nonthing about the Brigade threats. He knocked it back on the basis that no justification could be made even though they are on a main highway with no assistance for up to an hour if not more. I must admit I just can't remember what they applied for but it was something that is not out of he norm.

Why do we have a booklet that is based on rural fires and structures when it is well known that we attend things other than those types of incidents a majority of the time. I thinks our world has moved on from the 80's in many ways


Our group officer is very good when it comes to things like this, if he thinks its worthwhile he will support it, we had great support from him when we got our pumper, as it would benefit the whole group. But my suggestion is get every possible bit of information to prove why you need something, don't tell them, prove to them.