How to get a job

Started by stewie, September 10, 2009, 11:20:20 AM

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don't hate on me cause i am new.  but i am looking into getting a fire fighting job in Australia.  as of right now i am a wildland fire fighter in California and need some change and Australia has all was been a place of intrest. so any help would be great

thank you


Try the Victorian Country Fire Authority first up, they are currently asking for applications.


Try these 2 websites:   Melbourne, Victoria
              Adelaide, South Aistralia


Quotedon't hate on me cause i am new.  but i am looking into getting a fire fighting job in Australia.  as of right now i am a wildland fire fighter in California and need some change and Australia has all was been a place of intrest. so any help would be great

thank you

G'day Stewie welcome to the forums if you've got wildland fire fighting experience which is similar to rural and plantation fire fighting here in South Australia as well as Victoria

A good idea even though its abit late right now if you're planning to move to SA or Victoria within the next 6-12 months would be to sign up as a volunteer fire fighter with a local brigade then apply for seasonal fire fighting with the DEH,DSE or Forestry SA they normally ask for people around late August and early September every year
Kalangadoo Brigade