General Discussion > The Humour Zone
it's now Chiller...not thriller....
it doesn't take long...
Michael Jackson has passed away as a result of food poisoning. The US government has issued a statement warning against the dangers of eating 12 year old nuts.
SA Firey:
As per usual Boredy your straight out of the blocks :lol:
The EPA is going to have a field day if they try to cremate him and if they do bury him........I bet It'll be the first time he's ever been in a box :wink:
in commemoration of michael jacksons death, McDonalds have released the McJacko burger................i wont bore you with the details, its basically some 50 year meat stuffed between some 8 year old buns!!
Michael Jackson passed away this morning... Authorities have released a statement saying that his body will be cremated, and the plastic recycled to make small toys so that children can play with him for a change
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