What should the CFSVA be doing and how should they do it?

Started by bittenyakka, June 25, 2009, 03:35:19 PM

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Quote from: Zippy on June 30, 2009, 09:15:51 PM
QuoteSimilarly tho...if the Government doesn't want to play ball - you can always just turn the pager off and stay home while the state burns....somehow I think that might get a response.

the government usually get the media to release "CFS lacking volunteers" in reply...

which usually means you get the leftovers who are either

a) sirenheads- with no real physical or mental value tot he organisation
B) work for the dole- because they have to...
c) people who seriously want to be there - but get disillusioned 3 weeks in and leave again...


Ok, so I'm cranky and cynical again... (where did I put them meds?)

What should the CFSVA be doing?
Anything would be more than the current nothing.

How should they be doing it?
If they did something, even poorly, surely that would be better than doing nothing really well?
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...